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"I know you cant die.." The words ran cold through Kenny's veins, he almost thought this was some cruel prank set up by Eric. He opened his mouth hoping something, anything, would come out but he just stood there in pure shock. From the blondes silence Craig continued with his confession. "I keep seeing images.. of you.. dying! A-and they seem to real to be in my imagination and i knew something had always been off about you but-" The parka wearing boy placed his hand over his mouth and patted his hand, stopping him from hyperventalating. "Craig, are you sure?" He was over the moon that someone was finally aware but he knew anyone who did know only had a limited amount of time before forgetting again. The raven headed boy, with a hand still plastered across his mouth, nodded which caused those very familiar blue eyes to lighten up with a charm. "Mmph.. Mph Mph... Mphh.." Kenny looked at him with confusion before realising his hand was still covering his mouth. "Your gonna have to repeat that."

"Ironic how you cant't even understand your own language." The blonde chuckled a little before nudging him to answer the question. "I said, I don't understand how me knowing is gonna help anything." The blonde haired boy lent against him and scanned the disgusting alleyway. "Yeah, but its nice having someone other than yourself knowing you can never die." He smiled a little. "I mean, having to keep yourself happy because nobody will understand why you're sad is hard yanno?" Craig looked down into his lap and fiddled with is hands, he felt so bad for the poor boy, he really didnt have it easy. The two shared some silence for a few moments before it was brutally disrupted by the backdoor of the coffee shop swinging open. "G-GET OUT RAT!- NGH!" Ofcourse, it was Tweek. Craig signaled Kenny not to move and hopefully the paranoid blonde wouldnt spot them. He tried his best to stay quiet but the flea infested rat ran close up to Craig and without hesitation he let out the girliest scream EVER.


He jumped onto his feet and ran toward Tweek, clashing into him. "NGH- CRAIG!" The two hadn't spoken since that argument in the school hallway. "I-I heard you were in hospital, are you okay?!" The blonde looked behind him and to his dismay stood another blonde staring right back at him. Craig could feel the tension between the two and before anything was said he grabbed Kennys wrist. "Sorry dude we'll go" He turned to leave before Tweek called out to him "Wait!" The raven headed boy turned to him and he was holding out a note. Hesitantly he took it and shoved it into his pocket, not really caring for it. How awkward. As they walked down the street it took barley a minute before Kenny let out a hysterical laugh. "You scream girlier than my fucking sister bro!" He continued mocking him whilst Craig rolled his eyes a little more curious of the note, maybe this was Tweeks plan. "So, you gonna read that?" Craig shrugged, he had A LOT more important things to deal with so the note was the least of his worries. Eventually the two reached the Tucker residence and he invited the blonde inside. "My parents are probably still at the hospital so we're good." Kenny nodded and followed him upstairs.

Without another thought he threw himself straight into his dull sheets and laid there whilst Craig searched around for his video camera. "Got it." He dusted off the old thing, he had gotten it as a gift from his grandma in grade 8 before she passed so he decided to make it his hobby. "You do photography?" The boy seemed genuinely interested in it as he descended from his cozy spot on the bed to take a closer look at the old camera. "Yeah i guess it's pretty fun sometimes, but that's not what i need it for." He opened his curtains and placed the technology onto the windowsill, hitting record. "Hello camera" Kenny smirked at it whilst doing inappropriate things with his hands. "Kenny!! We have to re-do it now you idiot!" The two laughed a little as he ended the recording and started a new one. "Hey Craig. You're not even going to remember this recording by tomorrow, but i'm here to tell you that-"

"That your gay!!"

"THAT, Kenny can't die and deep down you know it to. So if you're sat there watching this thinking "No way dude." Please just believe me."

Kenny x Craig, What is wrong with you?Where stories live. Discover now