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The raven headed boy was stunned, his eyes were darting harshly around the place until they landed on Kenny. Without hesitation he stood up and hit him across the face, hard. Before the blonde could react he was then pulled into a tight hug. Tears were streaming down the boys face and he felt as if he wanted to hit him again. "You're- .. Alive?" He let him go slowly as he began to take in his surroundings. "Damien?"



"No, god obviously"

Craig rolled his eyes before coming to terms with the fact he was literally in hell. "Kenny?" The blonde looked at him with sorrow in his eyes. "Look i'm sorry for what i said. I didn't mean it it's just i saw the kiss and i assumed." Kenny looked away for a second before pulling him into a warm kiss. The raven haired boy practically melted into it before pulling away again. "I fucked up Tweek." By now Satan & Damian had disappeared from the two & Craig noticed how he tensed up from the mention of the boys name. "You good?" Kenny nodded slowly before returning to his smile. "Same, i choked him out actually" The raven headed boy smirked a little before again looking at the burning place. "So.. this is hell?" The blonde nodded and took his hand, eager to show him around. He arrived at a small cave with the initials 'K.M' engraved at the top. "Since i'm here so much i have my own little hideout!" He pulled him inside showing the small sofa and various blankets dotted around. "You sleep here?" The parka wearing boy shrugged before plopping himself onto the sofa. "Occasionally, depends how long i'm down here for. Once it was a month!" He laughed a little before patting next to him, indicating Craig to sit down. "Look, you still know i'm immortal."

"Yeah, i thought i could sleep it off.."

"I have to make you forget, else i can't go back.."

"What?! But-.."

"Look if you're as smart as i perceived you to be, you'd have something to remember it by." Craig was confused for a second until he remembered the picture he had taken on his camera. Hesitantly he agreed and followed him out to a rather large castle. "Dude before we go in, where DID you go for those couple of days?" Kenny gave him an uneasy look before continuing to the large black gates. "Uh? Earth to Ken, just tell me please" The blonde hesitated for a second before turning to face him. "You're not even going to remember this interaction. I was kidnapped. By-" before he could finish the large gates smashed open and Satan stood above the two. "Ah, is he ready?"


Craig was taken aback from the news he heard from Kenny and despite wanting to know the sorry fuck who did it they were already inside. "Now Craig, if you don't mind stepping onto this so we can erase Kenny's death from your mind." The blonde looked confused but something suddenly snapped in him. As the raven haired boy got on and the plastic casing shut he saw the boy run up to him. "Satan! No!! Please- This is what happened last time-" Before he could make a valid argument he had already pulled the lever.


Craig woke up a sweaty mess on his bed. "Oh weak. Did i have a wet dream..?" He lifted the blanket but to his surprise he was completely dry. The fuck? Whatever. He pulled out his phone and saw a message from an unsaved number.

Unknown ID: Hey, can we meet at Starks?

Unknown ID: Or we could grab coffee again?

He stared at the bright screen in confusion, did i lose all my contacts or something? He checked to see if they had a previous conversation but to his surprise they did not.

Craig: Who is this?

The message was read instantly and the typing bubble appeared a couple times, but nothing was said for a good 5 minutes. "What a weirdo."

Kenny x Craig, What is wrong with you?Where stories live. Discover now