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{ Craig's POV }

I could barley get any sleep last night, i just couldn't help it. After Tweek left i saw hurt in Kennys eyes. The bright blue eyes i could gaze upon for hours were now dull and full of sadness. I could feel myself tense as a saw how upset he was. He didn't deserve what he was called at all, and even worse i couldn't comfort him as he left before i could utter a word. A lot of rumors spread around about Kenny being a slut and every-time its bought up i notice how he is put into a foul mood. I hope he is in school today so i can see if he's okay, and maybe talk about the things that happened at Starks...


He felt himself blush a little remembering the sweet passionate kiss they shared. He wished he could just feel the soft sensation of Kenny's kiss again but Tweek had ruined it. He grabbed his hat and applied some deodorant as he didn't have time to shower before leaving for the bus. The blonde usually got the bus but today he didn't, giving Craig the gut feeling he wasn't in. He noticed Tweek board the bus, giving him worried glances as he sat by butters, he probably felt bad but the raven haired boy didn't care. Soon enough the bus arrived at school he got off, searching for the bright orange parka. With no luck he looked at his feet trying not to hide his disappointment as Clyde approached him. "Craig, dude, okok are you with that Mccormick guy?!" His eyes widened and he glared at the brunette who looked pretty eager about the whole thing. "no you idiot- just-" He realized he was dragging it on so he flipped his friend off before walking into school.

He had first period english where he sat beside Kenny so he was pretty excited to get there. As soon as the bell rang he made his way to the classroom and scanned it for him. Upon realizing he wasn't there he wanted to leave but Mr. Garrison had spotted him already and was giving him that 'you better sit your ass down.' look. With a sigh, he pulled out his text book before laying his head on his desk. The class seemed so much more boring without his perky blonde in there. Right as the teacher was about to start teaching the door opened and a small muffle was heard. Craig shot his head up and he could almost feel himself smile as he saw Kenny arriving at his desk. The day had just got 1000x better. The parka wearing boy noticed the raven haired boy starting and he ripped a page from his book and began writing rapidly. About 5 minutes later he subtly handed a letter to him, with a sad looking expression across his eyes.

To Craig ;)

I'm sorry i was late, i got caught up in family stuff. I am also sorry i runned away from Starks, i was just upset. Tweek hurt my feelings and i feel ok admitting this to u. Can we maybe talk today out the back of school ?¿? Am also looking at ur smile, cutie.

~Your Toy.

He smiled at the letter, Kenny was absolutely terrible at grammar and his handwriting was atrocious but godamn it was cute. He folded the letter and placed it into his pocket, nodding at him before returning his eyes back to his own desk. Maybe he should write one back? He pulled out his paper and scribbled down some words before scrunching it up and re-writing. Eventually he had something written and he flicked it towards Kenny's desk which completely missed and hit Tweeks desk. Shit. The blonde looked at the paper and scanned across the room only to see a worried Craig shaking his head as in to say 'do not
read that!' He took no notice and opened the paper, reading it through and scowling at it. He slammed it onto the sleeping boys desk before placing his head on his own. This awoke Kenny and he saw the letter on his desk before looking at the raven haired boy and smirking.

To Kenny,

Your spelling and grammar is absolutely atrocious. Your lucky i can understand it -_- Don't call me cute weirdo that's gaaaay.. your smiles adorable anyways. Yes we can talk at lunch break ok? I'm sorry Tweek hurt you Ken, your not a slut

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