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The raven headed boy felt the words run cold through his body, was he dreaming? He tried to pinch himself but the doctors grip was to hard meaning he was at a loss of reality. For a short while he stared in awe at the clump of doctors by Kenny's bed and something didn't feel right, as if something in the situation was missing. He couldn't exactly put his finger on it but he felt a wave of dejavu which can't be possible, can it? He felt the grip against him loosen and without another thought he ran over to the blondes bed and saw him. He was alive, thank god, and in a somewhat stable state and the sight of Craig made his heart rate increase a lot. Instantly he hugged the parka wearing boy and a thought crossed his mind, was THIS Tweeks plan? Surely not, he may be obsessive but he isn't evil, right? A million thoughts gazed through his mind as he hugged him tight, never wanting to let go. "Kenny i-" He was instantly cut off by a loud scream and to his surprise it was his mother. She wrapped her arms around him and rambled in his ear about how worried she was and how much she missed him. Tricia followed in after her and the sight of her brother caused a few tears to well in her eyes, she hated him but the thought of losing him really ate at her.

"I-i knew you would be okay, fuck you," She mumbled as she wiped her face. To her surprise Craig stooped to her level and hugged her. For the first time ever he hugged her and she let out all her tears. "FUCK you CRAIG!!" She yelled into him as she sobbed, ignoring her mothers warning for language. By now Kenny was able to sit up and he giggled at the heartwarming scene, earning a middle finger from the whole family. "Kenny, you saved our sons life and i cannot thank you enough." The woman inched herself over to his bed hoping he wouldn't want anything to tricky in return. "Craig! You didn't tell me you had such a gorgeous older sister!" The raven headed boy scoffed as he sat beside his bed whilst his mom giggled flustered to herself. "Is there anything we can do for you? For saving our son ofcourse." The blonde shook his head and continued to fiddle with the tubes going into his arms. "I'm good, your sons life means more to me than my own" How corny.

Craig moved his hands away from the tubes and held them, hoping it would make him stop fiddling. "Does it now?" The blonde giggled and pulled his hands away to cover his flustered face. He was about to laugh along until he was struck into his thoughts.

Kenny, dead on the table. The dead expression on his face, his lifeless body. Kenny died? Kenny died.

The raven headed boy fell onto his knees and placed his head to the ground, hoping it would get rid of the treacherous thoughts.

Kenny died saving you, he's not alive. He never was, his dead body was there. His frozen corpse running through his head, not letting him rest.

"Craig? Honey??" His mother sat beside him on the floor and placed her hand on his back. "Does your head hurt?" She rubbed his back but got no response. Kenny sat up almost instantly and layed on his belly, his head dangling above Craig. "Probably can't handle my hotness." He expected to get a flustered response but grew worried when the raven haired boy continued to squeeze his head against the ground. "Hey?" He poked him a few times before sitting up on his flimsy bed. Kenny is dead, he always is. He has died so many times and i didn't bat an eye. Nobody fucking did! How? Why?! It was so gruesome i remember throwing up whenever it happened but id be just as shocked if it happened again.. It's not fair. It's not fair he had to go through so much, and nobody would ever understand. Not.. even... me....

"AGH!" He threw his fists into the floor over and over again until his mother held him back, watching the red blood leak from them. "What the fuck Craig??" Kenny leaned back confused by the sudden outburst. "Dude..?" He pulled out of his mothers grasp and stood up, staring directly at the blonde. His eyes were full of tears and he looked like he wanted to fucking kill him, though doing that wouldn't be very effective. "Why the fuck wouldn't you tell anyone?! Why do you suffer?! Why!!" Mrs Tucker & Ruby backed away not sure what the hell he was on about. "How do you smile? How do you experience anything without being in constant fear of your godamn life Mccormick!!" By now warm tears were streaming down his face and his voice grew shaky as he tried to continue his useless rant. Hearing the last sentence the blonde grew shocked there's no way Craig knew, right? He tried to muster up the words to reply but every time he opened his mouth the the words disappeared. "You are a mystery... i'll never.. be able to figure out." Without another word he turned his back and left, leaving the three alone. Craig knows? There's no way surely? Maybe he's just mad i saved him?.. He can't know, that's impossible! Only Cartman does and he wouldn't tell him.. He has no reason to!
"When am i dispatched?" Laura awkwardly looked up from the floor. "Um.. The nurse out there mentioned a few tests then you can lea-"

"No time!"

To her surprise he was already up, pulling all the tubes from him and ragging his damp shoes on. He was still in his signature parka so clothing wasn't  really a worry. The two didn't try and stop him leaving, instead they paid no mind and hoped he would calm Craig down. The cold icy air hit him as he watched the moon shine bright in the sky, his next destination was Starks Pond. The town was quite compact so it was a five minute walk at most but surprisingly upon arrival he didn't find Craig he instead saw another boy crouched on the bench, Eric Cartman. Every instinct in his body told him to turn away and leave him but something urged him to go and check up on the boy, they WERE friends after all. "Hey eric." He sat beside him and got nothing in response, not even a flinch or a rude remark. "It's kinda late, why are you here man?" the larger boy had his head buried into his knees, not uttering a word to the blonde. "Hey Fatass!" He nudged his shoulder a little. "Just, go away Kinny." His voice sounded hurt, as if he was crying or something. "Dude are you crying?" The brunette let out a sigh and scuttled away from him, hoping he'd take the hint and leave. "Why are you crying? Pinkie swear o won't tell." He rubbed his pinkie against his and eventually he caved and they intertwined pinkies with one another. "It's just heidi okay."

"Your into heidi again?"

"Her boyfriend wants to do.. bad things to her and i'm tried to help but she misinterpreted it and-"

"Bad things?"

"He tried robbing her, and forcing her into.. well you know!"

"And you care because?"

He fell silent, he wasn't exactly sure why he cared.

"I don't know. Look if your done id like to be alone asshole."

The blonde rolled his eyes and got up, resuming his search for Craig. If he wasn't at the pond then where the hell would he be hiding. His house was an instant no because he hated being at home. Before Kenny realized he stood before a familiar looking home, belonging to Clyde Donovan. He didn't really have any problems with him so it wouldn't be awkward talking to him.

Knock Knock

"Pizzas here!!" He heard from the house. Damn, i'm gonna be disappointing then. The brunette opened the door and became visibly upset upon realizing it was in-fact not pizza. Before the blonde could say anything he noticed his eyes light up. "Kenny! Ooooh Craig's cru-" Instantly he was cut of by a loud voice coming from behind him. "Clyde! Kenny, heyy- Uh that guy isn't here if that's what your wondering." The parka wearing boy nodded and turned to leave, smirking about what Clyde had mindlessly blurted out. Where the hell is he? He remembered vaguely that he enjoyed going to tweeks coffee place but they weren't on good terms so the chances were low. He arrived at the small shop and peered through the windows, unsurprisingly not seeing the person he was looking for. He placed his hand into his pocket and pulled out a cigar before placing it to his lips and lighting it. He liked the way it burnt his throat, it reminded him he was alive. As he was about to make his way home he heard a bottle drop from the alleyway behind Tweeks shop, it was probably just a homeless drunk but curiosity got the best of him. The blonde peered his head around the wall and he to his surprise it was Craig.

"Craig!" He forgot all about what had happened and latched eagerly onto his lover boy. He didn't move an inch and instead pushed Kenny off of him. "Craig? Dude?" His bright blue eyes staring into his cold brown ones and he couldn't see any emotion whatsoever. The raven headed boy stared back into his worried eyes and he could see just about a million emotions every time he blinked, causing him to snap back to reality. Upon doing so he realized he had pushed him away and the hurt in his beautiful eyes was because of him. "Kenny.." Suddenly his face grew a little happier at the sound of his voice and he inched himself a little closer again. "Craig.. What did you mean?" Ah, right. Oh hey by the way i know you're immortal aha! How the hell do i tell him! Heck, what if i'm just going crazy and he really isn't immortal?! Oh fuck. I'll sound stupid, and weird, and- and-


A few moments of silence went by before the blonde began speaking again. "Look, wether you think what your gonna say is crazy, it's not so just please tell me what you meant." I need to know if he knows.. How he knows, why he knows!!

"Ok Kenny.. Look.. I know.. That you're.."

IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK AGES TO COME OUT!! Exams & revision time so my free time went bye bye 😭 ILY ALL THO FOR READING THIS WEIRD ASS FIC AHAA,,

ILY <3333333


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