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The cold morning air blew through the blinds of the window in Craig's room as his alarm blared. He slammed his hand on it to stop before getting up and stretching. He looked at himself in the mirror and noticed how red his eyes were, almost as if he had been crying. "Dude, was i high?" He didn't remember having any marijuana on him in the past week so that couldn't have been the answer. Without questioning it he decided to take a shower hoping it'd calm him as it always does. The hot water ran down his back and through his hair, making the fluff of it flatten. He hummed slightly whilst scrubbing soap into his hair and washing his body. He liked feeling clean, it made him feel a lot more confident than usual. After he was done in the shower he wrapped up in a towel and left the bathroom. His clothes from the previous day were dirty so he went with a dark blue button up and a pair of tight black jeans. He placed his signature hat on his head and brushed his teeth. After he had gotten himself ready he unplugged his phone from the wall and glided through some messages until he came across Tokens.

Token: Hey dude, you mind sending me that picture you took of the math homework? :)

Oh right, the previous day he had taken a snapshot of the homework from the board as the printer was broken.

Craig: Sure hold on

He opened his camera ready to select the picture when something else caught his eye, a picture of a gravestone. It confused him as he had no memory of taking it. Curiously he clicked onto the picture and zoomed in on the blurry writing of the gravestone. He couldn't exactly make out the words but the name was pretty clear. 

"Here lies Kenneth Mccormick"

What? Why the fuck is this in my gallery? Kenny's not dead i just fucking saw him yesterday! Is he fucking with me?! That little shit, how would he have even got my phone? This must be edited, surely.

He checked the time the photo was taken.


See, i couldn't have taken that photo because at 3pm i was..

i was....

He couldn't remember what had happened after school, it was like his memory was completely wiped. He had no choice but to confront the bastard himself.

School wasn't to far from his home but he still took the bus everyday like a lazy shit. As he boarded it he couldn't see the orange parka anywhere, maybe he was skipping school that day? He sat in the seats behind Stan & Kyle, hoping Clyde would sit next to him as they got to his stop. He didn't. Instead the stupid brunette took Wendy's spot next to BeBe, so Wendy sat by Craig instead. He didn't hate her or anything but he couldn't help but roll his eyes when she waved him hello. "So Craig, are you gonna start hanging around with Kenny again?" She smiled whilst the raven headed boys face dropped. Again? "What do you mean again, i've never once hung out with that dork." She chuckled slightly before giving him a slightly concerned look. "You did for like a month, then you stopped and he seemed upset." There was so way she was telling the truth, she had to have been fucking with him. "Did that bastard put you up to this?!" She lay back a little shocked by this sudden outburst. She decided not to say anything else instead remaining quiet and adjusting her hat a few times. Stupid hat.

Finally the bus arrived at school and he got off, scanning the area for him. The fuck, am i seriously looking out for this dick?? With no luck, he made his way into school and pulled out his phone once more.

Token: Gee, Why say sure if your not gonna send it? 😐

Ah shit, i forgot i was supposed to send him the homework! Fucking Mccormick. If he hadn't been fucking with my phone then today would have been 10x better.

Kenny x Craig, What is wrong with you?Where stories live. Discover now