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"I've got english so i'll see you two at break" Token broke off from the trio and traveled to his lesson whilst Craig & Clyde ventured to theirs. "Kennys in here dude are you sure you wanna go in?" The raven headed boy sighed. "i'll just keep my head down." They entered the classroom and sat in their usual spots, Clyde next to Jimmy & Craig next to Kenny. The blonde didn't even bat an eye at him and instead placed his head onto his desk full of half assed homework. "Sit down you annoying fucks. I am assigning you eggs, again." Everyone groaned as Mr. Garrison gave out the eggs. Ever since he came out as gay everything he did was gay so it was no surprise when he started pairing girls with girls and boys with boys. "Kyle and... Eric!" He smiled knowing they hated each over. "Asshole" He took the egg and kept it away from the fat boy. "Butters & Jimmy."

"Stan & Clyde"

"Wendy & Red"

"Craig ... and Kenny"

The two instantly shot their heads up. Nononono NOT Kenny! Anyone but him! God it's just my fucking luck! They pushed their desks together like everyone else and Kenny was given the egg. Without consulting Craig he started drawing a pretty good set of eyes. "Hey, I'm a father i deserve to get a say in what it looks like." Kenny sighed and rolled it over to him and watched him draw a simple mouth. "jeez you're so creative aren't you?" The raven headed boy gritted his teeth and rolled the egg back toward him. "Fine, you do it." Kenny took the egg and drew a mouth and it was actually extremely artistic. Hm.. i forgot he's good at art.. it's almost attractive. Craig couldn't deny his very obvious feelings for Kenny but he wasn't sure how to let him know he still remembered him. The blonde continued to add details as another pair of people caught Craig's attention. Kyle and Cartman whispering to each over, whilst looking directly at Kenny and him. Wow, this is the longest i've seen them get along.

"Ok kids, i will check up with your parents to make sure none of you just put your egg in the fridge." A loud array of disappointed mutters echoed the room whilst Mr Garrison smiled to himself. "That's right you little assholes" The break time bell rang and everyone ran out of the room clutching their eggs like their life depended on it. It's just a stupid grade. Craig looked over at Kenny who was waiting for him at the door, cradling the egg like it was a real baby. "Jesus christ" The blonde boy slightly pouted before following him out. "So, you didn't beat the shit out of me yesterday hm?" Craig ignored him but soon enough he was cornered. "Tell me why, what made you stop?" The raven headed boy bit his tongue bit sure what to say. "I just felt bad, okay? It's not that deep."

"Whatever you say man" The blonde nudged into him before placing the egg securely in his pocket and parting ways. He had done this too many times, he'd been forgotten and had to rebuild a relationship but at this point he didn't really care. Craig didn't remember and Kenny didn't want to become his friend just to have to redo it over a million times again. "Hey dudes" He stared at Kyle and Cartmans blank faces for a moment before rolling his eyes. "You two get in another argument again? Stans not here to sto-"

"What's your relation with Tucker? We asked him and he just went looking angrily for Clyde." Cartman darted the blonde boy with his eyes trying to see if any part of him slipped up, luckily he'd aslo done this before. "Tucker? He's my egg partner.. Asshole." Kyle didn't seem convinced at all and began asking him if they've kissed or hugged or anything of the matter. "No? The fuck." The ginger wanted to continue questioning him but they were interrupted by none other than the bell.





"No? Why would i!?"

"You were the ONLY person i told! Fuck you!"

Kenny x Craig, What is wrong with you?Where stories live. Discover now