Party. 1

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It's been hours and he's still out cold.. i'm quite tired but i'm scared if i fall asleep he'll roll over and end up choking on his own sick or some shit.. He's been tightly wrapped around me though, and i can't say it's the WORST thing ever... i've been giving him water every hour but he barley seems conscious. Slowly Craig slid himself out of the boys arms and left him curled on the bed. He looked at his watch. 10:45pm Kenny's been out since like 4 dude.. He let out a sigh before opening his door and heading into the bathroom, bumping into tricia on the way. He gave her his usual flip of the bird but to his surprise she just looked down, rushing past him like she had something bigger on her mind. Weird.. He didn't have time to unpack that right now, he headed to the bathroom and by the time he has returned to his room Kenny was gone. Craig checked the upstairs but he wasn't there, he had to be quiet as his parents had gone to bed.

"Kenny??" He darted down the stairs and into the living room, only to find the boy in a conversation with his sister. Quietly he listened at the door way.

"So you're friends with Craig again?"

"Poor you."

The blonde laughed a little. "He's a good guy, i mean, i don't fully recall why i'm here but he's a good guy-"

"Would a GoOd GuY be peeping on us right now?" Kennys head struck to the door and Craig awkwardly smiled. "You seem to uh, be feeling better then?" Tricia rolled her eyes and continued watching the TV, giving the boys the hint to go away. "Getting high in school? Seriously??" Craig sat on his kitchen stool whilst Kenny propped himself up onto the countertop. "What? I haven't done that since like grade school i swear i didnt take anything" The raven headed boy rolled his eyes. "So what? You just got high from breathing air??"

"No. But i do remember getting into some sort of altercation.."

"With who?"

"I can't remember their face, or anything like that actually. I just remember going inside the bathroom, taking my parka off and.."

Incoherent voice
"I was waiting for you to show up here.."

"Huh? What the-"

The blonde is harshly shoved onto the ground.

"Stay there."  The unknown person looks around their pockets, giving Kenny time to make a swift punch to their jaw.

"You didn't catch his face whilst punching it?" Craig interrupted.

"No! Im speaking from memory, shut up!"

Kenny turns for the door when he is harshly shoved to the ground again, the unknown persons nails scratching him all over trying to keep him still.

"Then all i felt was a large stab in my stomach, i thought it was a knife but now i'm almost certain it was...

an injection?"

Craig was lost, who would attack Kenny and more importantly why would they? Did he do something he wasn't aware of? Even so, was the injection really necessary? I know Kenny pisses off ALOT of people but nobody would go that far, right? "Who would have any reason to do that??" Kenny shrugged. "We have a party to go to tomorrow, i should get home now man"

"You've slept ages!"

"You haven't dude" He reached for the window when Craig stopped him. "Just- Stay here, we can go together." Kenny smirked. "Shut up. It's for your safety" Kenny knew he was lying as he was aware of his immortality but he didn't push it. Craig was exhausted having to stay up for the blonde that by the time he had entered his bed he was practically almost asleep. Kenny slid in next to him and put his arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling. As much as he wanted to pretend he didn't care, he was just as curious as Craig.

Kenny x Craig, What is wrong with you?Where stories live. Discover now