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It couldn't be. There stood the same boy he saw dead the day prior, sitting at his desk doing his work like normal. Was it a dream? Did i not kill myself? Why is he- HOW is he- A million thoughts flooded his mind and before he knew it the bell had rang.

"Uh- Craig?" He wasn't so sure if he remembered so he was quite weary of speaking to him. The raven headed boy stared at him for a moment before his lips fell into a small smile. "Hey, Ken." No way. He called me Ken yesterday! He'd never do that if he didn't remember.. would he?! "Uh.. Where the hell have ya been?" He chuckled awkwardly hoping to make a breakthrough. "4th letter in that sentence actually." Without another word Kenny grabbed him and pulled him into the luckily empty bathroom. "You remember?!" Craig nodded and sat on the side, almost unbothered about the whole situation. "Craig. You DIED. How are you here? Did you lie? Please tell me you aren't leaving.." The boy took a deep breath before cracking his knuckles.

"We're more alike than you think" He lent back. "Have you never questioned why we were always so drawn to each over? Why it's only me who remembers you? Why i'm so god damn attached to you?" The blonde boy stood confused, he wasn't putting the dots together whatsoever. "Kenny everything in the universe has an opposite, happy and sad, both an emotion yet both different, hitting and hugging, both physical yet both different-"

"Where are you going with this?"

"Lucky and unlucky. Some people are lucky and some aren't. You're immortal and unlucky as fuck about it hence the constant death." The blonde was curious to what he meant. "Meaning that someone is your opposite, you know, still immortal just lucky as shit to never die." Slowly the things he was saying made sense in his head and his face slowly grew shocked. "You don't mean.."

"With all YOUR constant deaths and a horrific lack of mine, i blocked it out completely Ken but the truth is,

well the truth is i'm also immortal. I can't believe i'd ever forgotten." Kenny couldn't believe what he was hearing, was this real? Had the loop finally been broken? He felt his eyes water as he yanked him off the side, pulling him into a tight hug. "Now if i recall correctly." He held Kenny tight. "You said you loved me hmm?" The blonde boy had completely forgotten about that. "Well.. i- uh." The raven headed boy laughed a little. "So does this mean.. the loop- it's broken?" Craig stood silent before ending the hug. He gave the smaller boy a shrug. "Tweek knew, the whole time, but now what can i do? you died and now he probably thinks me and him are best friends due to the memory not being there." Kenny didn't say anything. It was a sticky situation for them both. "Well, it's been tough and you're ruining my edge, Craig. Lets go to Tokens party??"

"I don't think he'd let you in dude"

"Then ask him to let me in, later!!"

The blonde exited the bathroom and for a while the raven headed boy sat in silence. There's no way it was actually over that easy, but for a while he wanted to live as a normal teenager. Tokens a pretty chill guy, i mean as far as i'm concerned Kennys never done anything to him personally so maybe he'll be able to go. Wait.. I wasn't even planning on going? Kenny you bastard.


5th period English

Great, fucking english. It's literally the language i SPEAK. Craig had always disliked this class as it was the exact same as grade school, even taught by Mr Garrison. As he watched the classroom fill up he noticed Kenny hadn't shown up, it wasn't exactly the weirdest thing but he was quite on edge having total memory of him always dying. A million thoughts stuck in his mind. What if he's dead? Or dying slowly and nobody can help him? Oh fuck. He's probably just skipping. I mean it's Friday and it's almost last period, classic Kenny move if you ask me. Just then he realised this would probably be the last time he'd see Token properly before his party the next day. He reached forward and tapped Clyde, telling him to tap Token who then turned around giving a confused look. He threw a note to him which landed at his feet.

Kenny x Craig, What is wrong with you?Where stories live. Discover now