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He watched the video of him and the blonde boy, joking around on camera. The words struck him more confused than the actual video. "Kenny can't die? Okay what the FUCK does Cartman think he's playing at!!" He threw the camera across the room and threw himself onto his bed. Without a second thought he grabbed his phone and scrolled down to a very very old group chat that held the boys number.

To: Eric Cartman;

I don't know what the fuck you're doing. Leave my camera and my shit alone! Quit getting Kenny to play along aswell! I'll fucking KILL you.


He was sure Eric was behind this, there was no way he wasn't. He loved to fuck with peoples heads until they went crazy.


From: Eric Cartman;

Craig why the fuck are you messaging me? I haven't done shit.

"Dude get of your phone we're literally in the cinema."

"Shutup kahl, Craig keeps blaming me for something."

The ginger boy lent over onto his chair and read the message. "He's such a fucking weirdo."


From: Craig Tucker;

Yeah? Well then why is there a video of me and Kenny that i don't remember on my camera?! From days ago?!

"He and Kenny hang out?"

"No. But if the video shows HIM and Kinny then why the fuck am i being bought into it?"


To: Craig Tucker;

How the hell am I behind a video of you and Kenny? Use your logic for once istg you're an ass.

"Wait so if it genuinely wasn't you, what the hells going on?"

He looked at Kyle for a moment before darting his eyes back down to the phone. "Don't know, Don't care." He took a quick selfie of him and Kyle.

From: Eric Cartman;


At the movies with jew. Go away.

"God those fucking assholes!" He threw his phone onto the floor and buried his face into his pillow. Fine, then i'll have to find the asshole myself. It was a little late so he figured he'd just find him at school the next day.


It was an icy cold morning and Craig was more than ready for the day, he was accompanied by his camera and he wanted answers. He left for the bus and just about made it on time, scanning it for the blonde boy. He soon spotted him at the back, head in his lap not really listening to his friends. The raven headed boy could feel his heart hurt for him a little but he paid no mind to it and took his usual seat next to Token. "You good?" He gave him a simple nod and felt the shape of the camera in his pocket. The bus arrived at school and group after group loaded off of the vehicle. Clyde was at his locker early as he was dropped off, and the determination on Craig's face lit up an excited expression on his. "Who are you gonna chew out?!"

"How did you know i was gonna do that?"

"I know my stuff dude."

The raven haired boy rolled his eyes and spotted Kenny at his locker. Gotcha motherfucker. He braced himself a little before sectioning himself off from his friends and making his way to the frail boy. "hey." the blonde looked toward him with a pure look of sorrow plastered across his face. Craig stared into his eyes for a second and could almost feel himself tense up but nonetheless he pushed it away and began talking again. "stop. fucking. with. me." by now Clyde and Token were around Craig excited for the drama. "dude.. kenny's nice." Token whispered quite nonchalantly whilst Clyde just carried on staring eagerly. The parka wearing boy didn't say a word and instead tried to walk away from the scene but the raven haired boy wanted answers. Without hesitation he grabbed his coat collar and slammed him harshly into the lockers, gaining some attention. "Mccormick i fucking mean it, messing with my stuff isn't funny." again he got no response and his bright blue eyes were now dull,
as if he could feel nothing. He took the camera out of his pocket and started playing the video of them both. "So what? Did you drug me? Get me drunk?!" Kenny simply shook his head and finally spoke clearly as his hood had fallen "You're just stupid. This whole world is." Craig lifted his fist up to hit him before being met with those beautiful eyes. Now full of fear, and hurt. He tried to move his first but it just felt glued to its place he couldn't hit kenny, but why? He could feel the poor boy shaking at his grip and his bright blue eyes started to water, he meant nothing so why couldn't Craig hit him?

Kenny x Craig, What is wrong with you?Where stories live. Discover now