The end.

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"I love you Kenny!"

The blonde boy we frozen, he didn't know what to do. This was a huge decision and he didn't have enough time. One part of him wanted to scream YES, grab Craig and never let go whilst another part of him wanted to accept the life he'd formed and move on from the never ending cycle. "Kenny! This isn't you and you know it! So quit being a fucking idiot and take my hand!" Craig's sudden loud tone snapped him out of his thoughts as he turned to see the now angry gods ready to pull him away.

"I.. Uh.." He looked between the two, the Gods who were saying no and Craig who was being pulled through the ground to hell. He looked at Craig before turning his back. "I can't. I'm happy here." Craig couldn't believe what he was hearing, surely he wasn't being serious. "Ken-" Before he could even finish he was pulled down to hell, alone. He hit the hard hot rocks, they were burning his hands but he was too frozen in shock to even move. There was no way this was real.. it couldn't be. "Kenny? KENNY?! YOU FUCKER!!! YOU FUCKING PEICE OF SHIT!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs as he stumbled to his feet, warm tears pooling out of his eyes. "I DID ALL OF THIS FOR YOU!! I TRIED TO SAVE YOU!!!! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!" He punched the hard rocky wall which he instantly winced in pain at. "Woah, this is NOT a good look for you" Came a voice from behind him. "Elliot take me to cartman, now!" He ordered. "A please would be nice!"

"A PLEASE? KENNY DIDNT COME BACK WITH ME ELI!! HES GONE PERMANENTLY! HE CHOSE THEM! I TOLD HIM A LOVED HIM AND.. and...." He began getting choked up and more tears streamed from his eyes. ".......and he didn't love me back.." Eli flew down to the ground and put his arm around Craig. "I'm.. sorry." He took him to Cartman who was just about to leave. "You're back, finally. Where's Kinny?" Eli shook his head as more salty tears fell from craig's eyes, not making eye contact with Eric. "..Oh." A silence filled the place as Cartman pulled his device out. "I guess.. we should go."

I can't believe it. He's gone. He fucking left me. What can i even do? How can i live knowing they're going to kill Kenny for good. I can't.. I..

"No." He turned away from them both. "I'm getting Lionel to send me back. I am getting my boy back." Before anyone could protest he took off in the direction where lionel was. He was going to take Kenny, by force if he had to. "You." He hissed. "Lionel im sorry okay i am. Kenny is in danger and i need to go back up PLEASE" He could tell the raven headed boy had been crying but he wasn't going to let him up so easily. "You THREATENED me earlier." Craig sighed. "And i'll fuckinh do it again Lionel." The old man looked shocked but Craig seemed deadly serious. In a moment of weakness he complied and sent him up.

He looked around but he couldn't see Kenny anywhere, He feared maybe he'd been to late but just then he saw a cloaked figure, being walked toward the fountain with the gods behind him. He came up to where a lot of other people were watching and the figure removed his hood. The fluffy blonde hair that came out gave Craig shivers. It was Kenny. He didn't even look scared, he looked so peaceful and even happy. "KENNY!" He yelled, without meaning too. The boy looked over into his direction and the peacefulness that once covered his face was now gone. "Kenny they're going to kill you!" The gods turned his head back toward the fountain. "You can't believe his antics now Kenneth. You've reached full peace. Finalise it." Craig kept yelling but people who were aslo watching restrained him. Kenny took a few steps closer before finally stepping into the fountain. "KENNY- MMPHH!!" Someone covered his mouth.

The blonde looked over to him with concern but before he could even worry he was struck harshly from behind. Blood gushed from his mouth as he fell into the fountain, bleeding. Craig's eyes were full of tears, trying desperately to get out of the people's grasp. "We are sorry Kenneth. You are impure and shouldn't have ever been allowed to be born. We had to correct the mistake. We must let you go peacefully." The god bowed to the boy, who was clutching himself in the water with a face of pure betrayal. The small crowd slowly dispersed as if this was a normal thing. Craig was let go and without a second thought he raced to the gates around the fountain and clambered up, landing harshly on the floor and running toward Kenny. Nobody stopped him, he'd been stabbed with a gods weapon, he was a gonner.

"Craig.." He muttered as Craig held him, keeping him above water. His tears falling onto Kenny as the boys breathing grew shaky. Still, the same signature smirk appeared on the blondes face. "This must be.. the biggest i told you so ever huh?" Craig smiled a little through the tears. "I..i'm sorry i didn't.. listen..." He muttered. "Don't be, Ken. I'll get is out of here and i'll get you to a doctor and-"

"Shh.. No. It's my time." He smiled as Craig cried even harder. "But.. you're just a kid Ken.. you don't deserve to go out like this... please.." The blonde placed his hand on his cheek and pulled him into kiss. "..Craig?" The raven headed boy nodded, still holding him tight. "What's up Ken?" He asked through clouded eyes.


"I love you too."

And with that, he fell silent. His breathing came to a halt and his eyes shut. "Ken? Ken no.. no! NO!" He shook the boy but it was clear he was no longer alive. "WHY?!" He screamed at the gods who were watching. "HE WAS JUST A KID! HE HAD SO MUCH LIFE LEFT! HOW CAN YOU CALL THIS HEAVEN YOU SICK BASTARDS!!" He cried harder, hyperventilating as he hugged Kenny tightly. "YOU HAVE TO BRING HIM BACK!! BRING MY BOY BACK!!!"

"You have to LEAVE." The god who murdered him created another hope beneath them and he and Kenny's corpse were thrown down to hell. He hit the stones, still tightly holding Kenny. He didn't move, he didn't get up or cry for help he just.... held him. He held him and cried, he cried for what could've been and how the gods had taken his youth. Suddenly a shaky voice came from behind him. "K..Kenny?" Said Elliot as he fell to his knees in front of the two. "I know he wasn't my biggest fan... but i was his..." He mumbled teary eyed. "Craig. I will make sure he's remembered down here." The raven headed boy was still crying, but he managed to nod. "Y-You have to go..."

"I know... but i can't...." He muttered as he caressed Kenny's cheek. Then he felt it, that feeling you get when you know you're being pulled back up to earth. Before he could fight it, he woke up in his bed. He was still crying, he couldn't believe it. He knew it was real but he so badly wanted to think it was a dream. He sat up slowly and checked his phone, nothing. Kenny was really dead, and this time he wouldn't be coming back. He'd lost his one soulmate and there was nothing he could do about it. He felt sick to his stomach. He didn't go to school that day, in fact he didn't go to school for months. Kenny may have died 3 months ago for everyone else but he'd only just lost him, and he wasn't ready to go out.

I'll never ever understand. Why did it have to be Kenny? I'm immortal too.. why didn't they take me?! He was a good person. Probably the best in our shit town. He didn't deserve it.. he had so much life left and those sick fucks took it from him. It's been years now. I haven't forgot and it still makes me cry to this day. However, i know i'm next. I'm ready. When i end up dying and wake up in heaven and they realise the other immortal boy is me? Yeah. No brainwashing needed there. I'll be ready. Not to die, but to kill those sons of bitches and avenge my beautiful Ken.

The end.

WOW. okay. this was such a fun fanfic to write!
I write some other fics if you wanna check them out. And i'm working on two story's that are my OG characters & creation.

ILY <33333333333333333


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