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"Craiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigg my mannn!" 

"Hey cutie~"

"Wanna dance some more hehe"

"Craig you got a god bod! no homo!!"

All types of comments like these were thrown at him as he awkwardly walked into school, with a scarf wrapped around him, towards his locker. He saw Token, Clyde and Jimmy. He wondered where Tweek was as after all they didnt "have" any drama anymore since it was erased. "Craig you sexy fuck our video has like 100k views" -- Oh right i was dancing with Clyde, i wonder if people are saying stuff to him t-

"Clyde you got moves~ heehe!" 

That answers that.

Clyde seems happy enough though, taking compliments from girls and guys- though some WERE making fun of him but eh hes happy so whatever. 

"Hell yeah everyone wants a peice of Clydeeee mm mmm mmm mm!" This earned a smack round the head from Token. "Then maybe i can get a piece of you to clean the fuckin despicable shit you did to my pool." Okay even im curious...

"What he'd do?" Jimmys smirked as he loved telling people stuff about gross things. "W-w-w-well Craig, Clyde jumped offfffff ttthe diving board and hurled doing it-- s-s-s-so it went aaall in Token p-p-pool! Then he fuckin kept hurling-"

"Fuckin gnarly jesus christ Clyde"

"Oh please forget about me Craig hm?" He chuckled as he pulled the scarf from him revealing some badly covered up hickeys. "What chick did this?!! Or dude- no definitely dude i know ya dont fuck with bisexual shit" 

"A-a-a-a-aaarent you bisexual Clyde?" 

"NO!!!! WHAT???????????????????"

"At my party you kissed scott malkinson goodbye and you love compliments from dudes-"

"Guys!!!! Its not- what!!" 

Good the focus is on Clydes confusing ass sexuality.

Craig wrapped the scarf tightly around him again and headed to english. 

"What. the. ffffuckkkk." He stared at the room, the one perosn tables were pushed together to make 5 group tables. "Hello class, ive decided instead of working alone id try teamwork!" Mr garrison just die already...

"Your names are on your seats youve all known eachover since grade 1 -- not even that, kindergarten so dont pull that I dOnT kNoW aNyOnE..."

He took his seat, he was sat next to Clyde surprisingly, opposite them was an empty seat infront of Craig and Butters infront of Clyde. On the far end sat Red and Esther. Ew im sat with my cousin. "Now i havent sat you with people you dont really talk to ive made usre you somehwat know them." He looked around at the duos and back at Butters. Who else does butters know- wait.. oh god n- "Whoops im late!" 

"Kenny we have new seats go sit on your table the only empty spot." He sat down and smirked at Craig as he was directly opposite to him. Greeeeeeaaaaaaaaatttttttt fuck you writer.

Hey dont break the fourth wall jeez!!

"Okay class i gonna hand out a sheet to each table, on it is a question and i want you to include everyones ideas and opinions before passing them around" He handed them out and lastly gave Craigs table one. Esther picked it up. "What counts as consent" Before anyone could speak Kenny did. "Well, if you ask for it and the other person passionately kisses you... id say thats a yes?" The raven haired boy shot him a death stare as Clyde piped in. "Oddly speicific Kenny~" Esther shrugged and wrote it down along with a few other ideas. "Okay switch!" Red came back with another sheet and read it aloud. "Why is protection important?" Okay, is this a sex ed class??? 

Again Kenny spoke up in the same deviating voice. "Well its important but some people just like to rawdog it..." He stared right at Craig who had the urge to send him to hell again. "Ew Kenny gross Est dont write thatt" Butters chimed in, "Well its so you dont end up with a lil baby ya arent ready for!" Clyde agreed. "Loads of sex, no kids plus no STDS!" The girls wrote all the ideas down as Craig mouthed to Kenny "Fucking STOP"

"Say Craig... its awfully warm in here whats with the scarf?" 

"Youre literally wearing a parka?!" Before Kenny could reply Clyde did. "Thats normal for him- Whats Mr Craig hiding~~" Clyde you have already seen it prick!!!! Without hesistation Kenny leant over and yanked it off, revealing the fuckload of hickeys beneath. The table stared in shock. Red was the first to speak. "HaHa im totally telling aunt Laura" 

"Fuck off Red ill tell her you fucked someone in a bush" She shutup. "Who on earth did that!" He rolled his eyes at Kennys stupid question. Clyde commented he thought it was Tweek which Craig slapped him for. "Okay class swap!" He tried to retrieve the scarf but Kenny stuffed it in his parka. "Kenny thats not funny!!"

"Tucker! The fuck happened to your neck?!" He turned to see it was Eric who yelled -- Causing the whole class to look. Whispers and murmurs went around as he got up. "Fuck you Kenny." He left the room, usually Kenny would blow it off but he sounded genuinely upset. "Ahh fuck" He waited for the class to end and left to find Craig. Luckily he knew how much that guy smoked. "C-" 

"Kenny piss off"

"Uhh what if i wanna smoke??" He rolled his eyes and faced the other way as the blonde lit a stick. "Look i didnt think youd even care- if anything it means you get bitches" 

"Are you like retarded? Maybe you havent noticed or you havent bothered to notice but i dont like attention okay? My insta is private i dont post on twitter i barley talk outside my friendgroup this is the last thing i needed dude and you pulled a huge dick move" He sat silent smoking as he let Craigs words sink in, it was true he had no posts or even a profile picture and he barley touches twitter-- he really doesnt like people does he? He let out a sigh. "Im sorry man, like really i just- nevermind i dont think i can justify it" He threw his fag to the ground and turned to leave. 

"Kenny!" He turned around but it was too late, he slipped on the icy floor as a pipe from the roof had broken off -- impaling him. "Shit shit shit shit!!" He kneeled down next to him and lifted his head up to prevent him from choking on blood. "Help!!! Anyone!!" 

"Dude... i..ill be back- d-d..dont sweat it pff.." He knew that, but still every time it happened it still managed to choke him up. "Y-youre crying? p..pussy" Craig rolled his eyes. "Im still.. really mad at you Mccormick, dont you forget it down there." The blonde smiled a little before coughing a little. "It happens.. s...so much but.. it always.. really fuckin.. hurts.." He sighed before going limp in the boys arms. "Yeah, i know.." He got up as a few teachers bursted through the doors, surrounding his body and calling ambulences. He walked away despite them asking what happened -- like it wasn't obvious. How can someone be so fucking unlucky.. He sighed and walked home, he didnt need the drama. 

Clyde: you guys hear about Kenny?

Token: Yeah, theres a gofundme for his family.

Tweek: hes dead??

Jimmy: Yeah :/

Tweek: ok

Tweek seems very.... unbothered? 

I wonder how long until he comes back.. surely not that long.. right?.. 

I really hope not that long...


check out my other storys!!

ily <3333333333333333333333333333333333


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