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Tweeks plan..

Tweeks plan..

That's the only thing that i was on his mind. He couldn't just ask the two assholes as they'd know he and Kenny were eavesdropping, he was truly impatient. Why couldn't the blonde just accept his feelings toward him were strictly platonic and move on already, it WAS almost 6 years ago. Despite hard feelings he was still happy to be surrounded by Kenny, the two decided to stay inside the bathroom talking with one another about the situation, occasionally going silent when someone entered. Just then, the conversation took a turn. "So you asshole, what do i say when people point-" He unzipped his parka and pointed toward the dark hickey. "-THIS out?" His questioning face turned to a smirk as he watched Craig's eyes go crazy with embarrassment. "What! I don't know!!" I mean, there wouldn't be a problem with him telling the truth, right? "Are you like, openly gay?" The raven headed boy waited for a response but to his surprise he never got one, instead he zipped his parka back up and sat up on the sink. Craig wanted to ask again but at the risk of sounding agitating he stopped himself & simply tapped his shoulder softly. Eventually he removed his stone cold gaze from the floor and looked into his eyes, giving a small shrug and lifting his knees to his chin. "I don't know really" The raven headed boy gazed at his eyes for a bit before looking away, hoping he didn't just make out with a straight guy. "but, you ARE gay right?" Kenny burst out with a little laughter whilst looking at Craig, figuring out if he was being serious or not. "No, i just find you hot and make out with you in a straight way" He scoffed sarcastically, earning a middle finger. "Fuuuuuuck offfffffff"

After a short moment of silence Kennys eyes lit up excitedly as an idea appeared in his head. "After school we should go skating!" He smiled brightly to himself at the idea. Craig thought about it for a little while but had no problems with the activity. "At starks right? Haven't skated there since i was like 13" The blonde chuckled a little before reminiscing about how he's there every other day teaching himself how to skate perfectly, the thought of him gliding effortlessly across the ice sent a warm smile across his face. There was only around 30 minutes left of the day so the two decided to hop the gates and leave early, Craig giving Kenny an upsie before clambering over himself. The walk to Starks wasn't that far and before they knew it the frozen lake sat infront of them. "Good thing it's frozen, i cannot swim." The raven haired boy joked, laughing a little to himself before completely face palming. "We don't have skates dude.." The orange parka boy rolled his eyes and pulled two pairs from beneath a shrub, he explained he hid them there so his dad wouldn't confiscate them. Craig and him exchanged smiles before tying the laces and skittishly sliding across the ice.

Kenny skated perfectly, even popping a few tricks here and there which just made Craig fall in move with him more. They weren't official yet but he considered this their 'first date' <3. As he slipped around on the ice he watched the blonde laughing at him and he flipped him off anytime he heard the cute muffled giggles. "You need some help love~" He looked up to see his hand held out in front of him. Without hesitation he took his cold hands and skated around the pond with him, it felt magical. Before long the sky slowly started to darken, given it was winter it got extremely dark by 5pm and it was 4:25. Craig had learnt to skate a little but found himself needing constant reassurance from Kenny. "Okay, just skate to the middle toward me" He did as he was asked, but to his surprise he went faster than anticipated, causing him to crash straight into the blonde. In a desperate attempt to catch him he pulled him, which then resulted with the two falling onto the cold ice. Kenny towered over Craig before the two burst into laughter about how stupid they were for falling. Not paying attention neither of them noticed the faint cracks appearing around Craig.

The boy in the orange parka got up and skated over to the edge, Craig stayed laying down staring up at the sky. It was a beautiful sight, the sunset was red and yellow with a couple hints of orange glamoured around. As Kenny untied his skates he caught sight of something that instantly made his heart drop. The ice cracking. "Craig- get up- NOW!" The blonde arose to his feet but before either of them could react the ice gave in and he plummeted straight into the water, not re-surfacing. "CRAIG!" He ran across the ice, slipping harshly hitting his face but in an instant he got up and continued running before plummeting into the cold water. Luckily for him he was on the swim team throughout grade 6-8. Frantically he reached out for a feel of anything, he swum and swum before finally clinging onto an arm. If it wasn't Craig's that would be a lot more concerning. Without another thought he wrapped his arms around his chest, keeping his face facing away from his before resurfacing and gasping for air.

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