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Great, here i am in the councilors office and Tweeks sitting beside me. Kinda reminds me of the time we dated and we sat here denying our gayness. Fucking asshole. Mr Mackey's yelling but i don't really give two shits. I wish Kenny was there to see that, where IS he??

"Craig are you listening!!" The raven headed boy responded with a middle finger causing the blonde to scoff. "Typical." Craig leaped out of his chair and was about to hit him again but the councilor managed to stop him. "You sit down now mckay! Now i am gonna get to the bottom of this." Tweek was still poking the fresh bruises appearing on his arms until he spoke up. "He just attacked me unprovoked!"

"it was NOT 'unprovoked' you kissed my boyfriend!!"

"He kissed me!"

"Don't make me fucking beat you again!"

They weren't official but claiming him as his boyfriend felt nice. It obviously didn't make Tweek happy as he rolled his eyes at the statement. After a full day of arguing and counseling the bell rang for the end of the day and Craig was more than happy to leave. Maybe the video will spread around to him and he'll know how much i'm sorry? Where even is he.. The obvious guess was Starks pond but to his surprise he wasn't there. I still get bad vibes from this place. After arguing with himself he finally settled on going to the poor boys house, in the bad side of town. He came upon it and it honestly looked better than it did in fourth grade, the walls and windows were done up and that filthy truck was nowhere to be seen.



A tired red-headed woman opened the door and looked him up and down. "Can i help you?" Awkwardly he cleared his throat before scratching the back of his neck. "Is Kenny in?" Hesitantly she opened the door and welcomed him inside. "I'll go get him." The raven headed boy nodded before turning and seeing a very angry looking girl sat on the couch and before he could look away she had already opened her mouth. "Are you Craig?" Reluctantly he nodded and she grew even madder. "Thanks for completely ruining my brother you asshole!"

"Look i'm not proud of it, i'm trying to make amends..-"

"-Karen. And you better."

A few moments later Carol left his room and glared at the girl. "I'm sorry he hasn't been home since yesturday, he might be at a sleepover." Instantly this caused him to worry but he managed to keep it together as he ran out of the house, unsure of where to look. Fuck, i'm pretty sure that's his sister so he's obviously upset about what i said. Maybe i should leave him alone for today, he might need this alone time then we can catch up tomorrow.. right? The raven headed boy reassured himself and dragged himself home. For the next couple of days Kenny didn't show up and nobody could find a trace of him anywhere. He had decided this 'alone time' was getting out of hand and he needed to apologize before anything bad happens..

unless it already has.

It was a dim Wednesday night approximately 2 days since Kenny had went missing. His phone wasn't in service and Craig was drawn to the brim. He had never cared for someone so deeply and he never knew how much losing him would hurt. What if he hurt himself? Or killed himself?! All because of me! Oh fuck. No! He couldn't have, i need to explain, he can't be gone i need to tell him i'm sorry! The distressed boy could feel his heart hurt, he loved seeing Kenny at school and now he's gone. After a while of being lost in his own thoughts he decided against going to school and instead made his way down to the pond as it was the only place he could be alone, or so he thought. As he approached the frozen place he noticed the bench was already occupied which was strange as it was school time but nonetheless he decided to move forward. The closer he got the more he examined this 'mystery person until they pulled up their hood, causing a large gasp. "Kenny?!" The blonde turned around and was stunned to see Craig behind of him. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, which was accurate. The raven headed boy could feel warm tears filling up in his eyes and before he knew it he was crying. "Kenny!" He reached for a hug but then realized they weren't on the best page, more tears flooding when he remembered the face he gave him. "Kenny- I'm sorry- I fucked up Tweek for you!" The parka wearing boy looked away for a second before standing up and hugging him. "Craig, it's okay but i need to tell you something."

Kenny x Craig, What is wrong with you?Where stories live. Discover now