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The next day rolled around quicker than usual and a certain blonde was a lot more motivated for school than usual. "Karen come onn" She shot him a confused look as he had never rushed her before, he must've wanted to see Craig really bad. Without questioning Karen grabbed her bag and left the house, struggling to keep up with her brother which resulted in him picking her up and running with her on his back. As he reached the school he dropped Karen off with her best pal Tricia, Craig's sister. He wanted to ask her where he was but it was a little early and he didn't want to seem to obsessed or anything. The boy waited until the bus arrived. He carefully watched as it unloaded, scanning for the raven headed boy. To his dismay Craig did not get off the bus and he let out a sad mumble hoping maybe he was just late. Eventually the bell rang for first period and he had been waiting a little over 10 minutes. He let out a small sigh and headed into the school.

I'm so happy to be rekindling with him again. It upsets me he remembers nothing from our past big i can't do anything about it. I stupidly died and because the death was so severe it basically wiped me out of his mind. He acted as if he never knew me and it broke my heart but i knew deep down it wasn't us fault. It was the universes for giving me this terrible burden. I can't be mad at him for not turning up, it's not like he said he'd meet me but he said he'd see me. I'm already acting to obsessed..

I'm just glad to have him back.

The day dragged on slower than ever, teachers constantly telling him to wake up or pay attention. It pissed him off. Partly he was annoyed because Craig wasn't here, but there was a lot of reasons for him to be pissed off as well. Kenny wasn't usual mean so his snappy self definitely caught people off guard, especially Cartman. "Dude you have slept in every lesson today, fuck Kenny." The two were in study hall, accompanied by Stan. Kenny ignored him only mumbling a subtle 'fuck off' which ticked Stan off. "He was just saying, no need to be an asshole." The boy in the orange parka lifted his head up and glared at him. "Speaking off assholes, why don't you get your head out of Cartmans?!" The sudden outburst took the two by complete shock. The silence was quickly ended as Cartman started laughing and boasting Kenny on. Stan exchanged puzzled looks with Eric before laying eyes back on the parka wearing boy. "Then get yours out of Craig's." Without another word Kenny leaped from his chair and swung a smooth punch directly to his sharp cheek bone. Completely caught off-guard the raven headed boy fell to the floor holding his wounded face. The vicious act quickly attracted a crowd as Stan pounced onto Kenny, if he got hit he wasn't letting it go un-punished.

Swing after Swing to Kenny's face he noticed his friend wasn't fighting back, so he stopped. He was still pissed off but he didn't want to actually damage him. He leaned near to his face and whispered 'are you okay' whilst freaking out inside of the thought he killed him or something. The small crowd sent murmurs all around the room before the action sprung up again. Kenny lifted his head full force, smashing his face into Stan's before clambering on-top of him and swinging directly at his face. Dirty move Ken, Dirty move. Eventually the teacher returned from her 'errands' and was shocked to see such a brawl. She managed to break it up before disciplining the whole class on how to behave when she wasn't in the room. Stan was sent to the nurses office with a busted lip, a black eye, a bruised cheek and a bloody nose. Kenny was really not in the mood for his, or in fact anyones shit today. He manged to get off from going to the nurses despite having a black eye and a bruised cheek.

That's great, Cartman probably hates me whilst Stan & Possibly Kyle are definitely going to be pissed! It's not like i meant to attack him, he just couldn't butt out- and when he bought up Craig it really just.. released something from me. Im glad this is last period because this day has went on long enough and i need to see if that bastard is alright. Speaking of Kyle, he wasn't in today either. Along with Tweek.. Was he with Craig? Surely not, i mean i wouldn't care anyways but..

Kenny x Craig, What is wrong with you?Where stories live. Discover now