Party. 2

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*Loud music blasting* 

As the two kissed the blonde boy climbed ontop before pulling away and giving him the signature mccormick smirk. He picked up a coat and left. What the fuck? Craig peered out and saw him peck another girl on the cheek before handing her her coat and walking her outside. What?!?!?!!?!??!? Fucking shouldve known better than to trust Kenny godamn Mccormick. The kiss was shit anyways i was just shocked... probably have fucking herpes or something.

He took a minute to recollect himself before leaving the cupboard and entering the kitchen which contained a very drunk Clyde, a drunk Token, and the rest who he didn't give a shit about. "CRAAAIIIIGG!! Token!!!!! Craigs here!!" He waved before grabbing a cup and filling it to the very top with rasberry vodka, downing half of it before walking over to his friends. He liked the tatse of it, so much he ended up taking the bottle. "Craig? why.. why are you drinking so much?" Despite being drunk Token was still the somehow most responsible. "cuz, its a fuckin party?!" Token rolled his eyes and tended back to the drunken moron also known as Clyde. "Mooommmy Token!"

That was my cue to leaaave.

He finished the bottle before grabbing a beer and heading into the living room, staring in silence as the vodka sunk deep into his system. Before he knew it he has dancing on the table with Clyde -- shirtless. 

Now, Craig didnt have a BAD body, infact he was quite muscley whereas anyone would have passed him off as another skinny kid. Regardless, he still didnt go out of his way to show himself off which is why alot of people where cheering and some were recording and some even throwing money at the three. Token found it quite amusing though he knew Craig would never go to his partys again. After he was done Craig stumbled outside just in time to puke his guts up all over Tokens front garden. He sat down on his steps and lit a cigarette before the truth came back to him, Kenny. He really thought after the whole "We are both immortal!!" confession theyd be as close as ever but going home with some random chick? Well... he wouldnt exactly put it past Kenny at all. 

He threw the fag on the floor and stumbled back inside, shocked at what he saw. A blonde boy holding a beer, talking to Jimmy and Scott. I thought he went home?? He scowled and made his way slowly to the kitchen, surprisingly able to grab another beer without Token telling him hes too drunk. "Craig jesus christ" The raven haired boy looked up and saw it was Kenny talking to him, though his eyes were on his phone. "You got moves man" He ignored him. "Where is- that.. that girl you left with?" He stood confused but quickly remembered. "You mean after we hardcore frenched~" Craig wasnt amused. "It was Wendy dickface, Stan was being a dick i was bein nice dude" Wendy? "Was Craig jealousss??~~" Was he? It would explain why he cared so much..

"Fuck- fuck, off Mccwhored-..dick" 

"How fucking much did you drink you freak"


"Enough to do this?" He pushed Craig onto the sofa and kissed him, there were about 20 other couples making out and a million kids hardcore partying so they were really not noticeable. Craig knew he liked it but he knew Kenny, he probably wouldn't hesitate to fuck him in front of everyone. "I may be an ass but youre drunk, do i have Craigs consent to makeout?" Craig rolled his eyes and pulled him in. "Ill take that as a yes." The blonde boy left about a million hickeys all over Craig -- His jawline, neck, chest. He liked making his marks. Soon the night deepened and the two had been at it for a while but the alcohol was taking over Craigs sytsem and before Kenny knew it hed pulled him in but not to a kiss but to sleep. "Craig?" He sat up but the boy was out cold. He smirked at the sheer amount of fucking hickeys hed actually left. "Fuckkkk.." 

He lay in the sliver next to him and put his arm around him, if he could sleep through his parents wars he could easily sleep at a loud highschool party. 


"Okay peoplee! Ya dont have to go home but you cant stay here" Token began kicking people out. He came across Clyde asleep on the dining table. He picked him up and bought him to the sofa, shocked to see Craig and Kenny asleep there. Then he saw the fuckload of hickeys. "The shi?!?!!?!??!" He sprayed the water on the two, Kenny was out so he moves him to the other side and sat infront of Craig. "Craig!!" As he came to he looked around, holding his head in pain as he sat up. "wh.. i slept at your party?.." 

"Did a bit more than sleeping dude- what- who- jeeeeeeeez." Craig was confused fully now. Token pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of the boy and handed it to him. His once confused face turned into complete shock as he looked down. "Theyre everywhere! On my jaw?! I cant hide that shit from my parents!" Token chuckled and then looked at the still asleep Kenny. 

"You dont think-?"

Ofcourse i think that, he confessed to me high as shit but no way in hell im telling Token. Hed definitely think we fucked which we have before------ eeek. 

"Kenny?? Uh, no way man." 


Just hearing that name made him angry but he remembered technically he "hadn't" done anything wrong. 

"Fuck no Token that was in the past" The memories of the past few days flooded his head as he lay back down looking at the roof. "Ok mr internet sensation" Token got up and turned to leave when the raven haired boy called his name. "Internet sensation?" 

"Oh, uhhh.. you don't remember?" 

"Obviously not!!!" 

He sighed and pulled out the video, if you thought Craig was shocked earlier he definitely was now. "The fuck?!?!? Oh hell no fuck going to school tomorrow, or ever again." The boy sighed and sunk deeper into the sofa as an unconscious Kenny slunk his legs over him. He truly was screwed.

SORRY this took so long to get out, im fuckin lazy as shit so yeah enjoyyyyyy !! i have 4 GCSES left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooo 

Be sure to check out my other storys

Token x Clyde (finished)

Craig x Clyde (ongoing)

Tweek x Craig (Ongoing)

ILY <333333333333333333333333


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