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"woah what's up?"

The same blonde boy was sat in his cupboard except he was holding his head crouched into his knees. Only a few muffled were heard and he wasn't even wearing his signature parka. "Kenny dude she's gone you can come out." Slowly he stood up, holding his hand protectively over his eye. Craig was about to ask why he was covering his eye when he noticed fresh blood dripping off of one of his old transformers. "What the fuck? What happened?" He rushed over to Kenny and moved his hand away from his eye, revealing a large, nasty scar right across it. Holy fuck, did i do this? I didn't mean to push him that hard! I swear i just gave him a little shove.. oh god. "It's not that big of a deal it's okay." He had been through this at least a million times but it was still extremely painful. "Fuck. I'm so sorry i didn't even mean to i just panicked-" The blonde patted his head trying to ignore his own pain and smiled. "I said it's okay, accidents happen! Plus i could just kill myself and then this would go away!" He laughed and expected Craig to laugh along to but to his dismay he did not. "Dude what?" Kenny nudged him a little, hoping he'd get the joke but the same worried expression stayed on his face. "You've already fucking forgot?! Fuck!" Craig rubbed his head, not sure what he needed to rememeber. "Let me clean up your fac-"

"No! No.. just- I need to go. Just look in the mirror every now and then okay?"

"Kenny wait!" By now the blonde was shoving his orange parka over his slim body and pulling up his tracksuit bottoms. Ignoring his protest he opened the surprisingly low window and hopped out, not looking back. "The fuck?! Look in the mirror?!" Is there something on my face? Hesistantly he made his way to the mirror and laid eyes upon the post it note. "Photography?" He looked over at his desk to find his old camera laying there, slowly he picked it up and opened the files seeing two recently added videos. Has that little fuck been touching my shit? He clicked onto them and surprisingly he saw he and Kenny, none of this made sense.

"Hello camera"

"Kenny!! We have to re-do it now you idiot!"

The raven headed boy stared at the small screen in utter disbelief, there was no way this was real right? He swiped onto the next video.

"Hey Craig. You're not even going to remember this recording by tomorrow" Thanks, that helps.

"but i'm here to tell you that-"

"That you're gay!!"

"THAT, Kenny can't die and deep down you know it too. So if you're sat there thinking 'No way dude' Please just believe me."

"Please Craig. Believe yourself."

He stared at the camera and as much as he wanted to call bullshit and think of any other conclusion, something about Kenny's eyes made him sorta believe the whole thing. This is seriously fucked up right here. What the hell does he- .. Do I mean? I must have been drugged or something because i seriously don't- When the hell was this even taken? He clicked off of the videos and checked the dates. These were recorded today?! The fuck?! He needed an explanation and he was slightly worried at the whole death thing, it unlocked something in him but he wasn't sure what. After a while of staring down at the camera he pulled out his phone and dialed Kenny's number.



"Piss off see me in real life for a blowjob."

Wow Kenny, of course that's your voicemail..

He sighed at the piece of technology before sitting down on his bed, wondering what to do next. Oh yeah, Tweeks note. He scraped around his pocket and pulled out the now crumpled piece of paper, folded surprisingly neatly. It was a letter.

Kenny x Craig, What is wrong with you?Where stories live. Discover now