the crucial choice of Kenny.

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3 months later.

I don't understand, Ive been patient! I've visited his grave every fucking day! So why the fuck hasn't he came back yet?!

Craig kicked a rock as he entered the school gates, he walked to his locker and turned to the locker opposite his -- Kennys. It had his picture on it and it was surrounded by flowers and notes stuck to it. The raven headed boy sighed and grabbed his books. He couldn't just ask someone why Kenny wasn't coming back they wouldn't understand. Luckily, his friends took his frustration and sadness as being upset over Kennys death whereas that just wasnt't the case at ALL. He placed his head in his hands as he sighed. The classes went by like a blur to him now, he just thought about Kenny and that was it.

After period one, he noticed Cartman reading a few notes on Kennys locker. Granted Craig had left a few but mainly just to fit in with everyone else. He swapped his books out only to get a fright as he shut his locker and Eric was now next to him. "Dude what the fuck!!" The chubby boy rolled his eyes and pulled him aside. "Wheres Kinny?"


"Don't play stupid assface, where the fuck is he?"

"Are you like in denial or some shit? He's DEAD"

"Yeah noo me and you both know Kinny is immortal and i think you have something to do with him not coming back"

"Wait you know?!"

"Um duh."

"And all this time you just didnt TELL anyone??"

"Youre good at recapping"

"Cartman what do you know!!"

"Chill Chill i'll get your but buddy back" Craig rolled his eyes before letting out a sigh.

Out of all the people? Cartman??? Eric fucking Cartman.. Seriously screw you writer.

Quit that!

"So like what we go find him in hell or something-" Cartman smirked at him. "Precisely. Youre good at this Craig"

"Kill yourself Eric"

"Wow! You even knew the next stepppp" The raven headed boy gave him a confused look before letting out a long sigh. "Youre not joking, are you?"

"Look i may be arrogant or whatever but-"

"And racist, and misoyginistic and honestly a bad guy?"

"- I know youre immortal too brains for shit asshole fuck so yeah killll yourselfffff"

"What? No i'm n-"

He picked up a note and began reading it. "Kinny, why arent you back yet? I swear ill go down and get you! You know i can do that" Checkmate.

Craig shoved past him and headed to period two English. He sat down and stared at Kennys empty spot wrapped with flowers, people really did love him. He looked behind him at Eric -- Who was staring directly at him with a smirk on his face. "Craig? Whats up with you" He ignored Clydes question and darted his eyes to Butters. "Has Cartman ever tried to make you kill yourself?"

"What????????? No id get grounded..."

"Fuuuucking useless" He honestly couldnt stand English anymore as it was the last lesson he was in with Kenny. As soon as the bell rang he hopped the back gate and left, if he was going to get Kenny back he wasn't going to go by Cartmans word. "Trish." She looked up at him, Tricia hadn't really been herself the past few months but he really didn't care if she was in an emo phase so be it. "I need those candles." She had quite a few but he didn't know what was so fascinating for her. "Thanks cunt"

Kenny x Craig, What is wrong with you?Where stories live. Discover now