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"I guess i do"

The words ran through Kennys mind like bullets. Craig forgetting him had happened countless times but it never ended like this, this could be enough to end the loop and as much as it hurt the blonde didn't wanna let him go forever. What can i even do? It's not like i can break them up, it's not like i can just kickstart his memeory.. wait.. if i die he will remember again.. maybe this time i can make him remember permanently. I've got to break the cycle. He ran to his closet and pulled out an old gun that belonged to his father, there was only one bullet inside of it however he didn't know which trigger would blow his head off. Perfect, russian roulette. He braced himself for impact when another idea crossed his mind. Sorry Craig, Love makes you crazy. He placed the gun down and climbed into bed.

He was going to kill himself,

and he was going to do it in front of them both.

"B-Babe llllets NGH! Hold hands in school!!" Craig sighed slowly and held hands with the blonde boy as they entered the gates, already feeling eyes upon them. Ever since yesterday at starks Tweek has been clinging to me non stop. It's annoying. This is not what love feels like, i don't know why but i feel like i've experienced love before and this bullshit? No this won't do. Just then he noticed a certain boy holding something almost gun shaped in his pocket. Is Kenny holding a gun? The fuck? I mean he's kinda a quiet misunderstood kid and.. ohh fuck he's looking at me. "Craig" Without a second thought he pulled the gun out and aimed it at him. "WHAT THE FUCK" Craig raised his hands instantly and everyone around them froze, a few yelling and a few struck in fear. "NGH!!! KKENNY DONT I LOVE HIM!!" The blonde smirked before placing the gun against his own temple. "Craig, don't let the memories flood you to hard okay?" Before he could say anything the boy pulled the trigger.

Nothing. A bluff? Surely not.. I don't know what to do.. I..

Another pull. Nothing.

"Kenny what kind of sick-"


His headless body fell involuntary to the floor as the hallways erupted in screams and a few kids even throwing up. Craig stood frozen. Blood and brains scattered the floor and the gun was still clutched in the boys lifeless hand. Then it happened, whilst Tweek pulled at his side screaming into his ear the memories came back. Every last detail, every feeling of intimacy, his hatred for Tweek, Kenny begging him not to forget and the endless cycle. "Craig!! Ngh! We- We have to go!! I-It's - His- Blood all over- Y-You AHHH" Craig shoved him harshly to the ground. "How dare you. I hate you Tweek. You mean nothing to me. I'm not gonna forget anything this time. I'm gonna remember him Tweek. Don't play stupid. You knew all this time didn't you?" The blondes eyes grew into a deep anger. "S-So what if i did? He's n-nothing compared to me" Craig kicked him in the stomach before fleeing the scene ignoring the teachers screaming at him to get back.

He ran and ran until he reached the graveyard, the truth was he didn't really have a plan but he knew he'd find Kennys "Grave" there. As he reached the tomb stone he felt an anger arise inside of him, why can't he end the cycle? Why can't he just remember. Without another though he dropped to his knees and began clawing and the somewhat fresh dirt, digging deeper and deeper until he hit something hard. No that can't be, i've barley dug 3 inches... I.. He threw more and more dirt off revealing a coffin. He pulled at the side and surprisingly the door etched open. He held his breath as he slowly pulled it open only to find nothing he leant deeper and before he could lift himself up he fell pulling a pile of dirt with him, hanging his head of the coffin and it shutting him in. Slowly the boy fell into unconsciousness,

i'm the coffin



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