Chapter Twenty-Five // Josh's Confession & Seeing Unknown

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{Ethan's POV}

I've been awake for about an hour on the phone to the police, it was a good call - well, I say good but Rebekah is still missing. They've found two men who match the description of what Aimee had told them.

I need to tell Lots but I'm scared she'll be overly happy and if it turns out that it is neither of them two, she'll be disappointed. I need to give her the news as the police are making an appearance later on today to show us two profiles of the men too see if we know or have any idea who they are.

"Lots." I called out, the majority of us were up already. Tobi was making breakfast for us all, it took a lot of food because all of us refused to leave the flat - we were all scared, none of us wanted to be on our own.

"Yeah?" She groaned rolling over in her bed. She let out a massive stretch, I let out a slight giggle - I never giggle, only laugh that massive laugh that everyone finds funny. As Lottie rolled over it revealed her blue eyes, that was one thing I liked about her and that was her eyes.

I knew she hated it when everyone goes on about 'Emon' I would too if my girlfriend had a ship name with another girl, and people genuinely thought she was a lesbian. However, Simon and I came to an agreement that we would just play along as such.

"Time to get up, Tobi is making a delicious breakfast." I told her to try and encourage her to get up. I saw a little smile come across her face, she reached for her phone which was on the table on the side that Simon sleeps on. I saw how her face dropped with in seconds, her front screen was all of us boys, Aimee, Rebekah, Emily and her.

"Lottie. I've got decent news, come on." I smiled holding out my hand for her to grab to help her out of bed, she raised an eyebrow and happily took my hand.

We were now both in the little living room which belonged to the flat. Aimee was throwing things at Harry because he had previously tickled her, Simon tried to play FIFA but couldn't concentrate with everything going out. Tobi was plating all of the food up, with JJ's help. Josh had just came over to Lottie and embraced her in a hug - Vik was on the computer making letters about Rebekah to post through doors.

"You okay?" I heard Josh ask Lottie. I saw a slight smile on her face, I always thought they might of had something going on. Especially at Insomnia, he was constantly winking at her... Looking after her, genuinely doing things Simon wasn't. Simon was more interested with the girls at insomnia.

I don't think Lots knows it but I think she might be leading him on slightly, leading him to believe he has a chance when he might not.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I heard her reply pulling him into a hug, it wasn't a short hug it was pretty long. I saw them whispering things in each other's ears. They've always got along well, I didn't know they were as close as they were. I remeber when Lottie was in the hosptial as well as Simon, there was a time when we all decided to go and see Simon because he had woke up - and Josh stayed with Lottie, don't get me wrong it isn't a bad thing but he isn't her boyfriend.

"Whats wrong with you?" Simon asked me as I sat down with him and Vik. I just pointed towards Josh and Lottie speaking, Si just shrugged. I think he knows something a little more than I do.

"Why aren't you bothered?" I asked confused. If I was Simon I wouldn't be happy that my girlfriend had just woke up and went sraight to another boy without saying good morning to me, but like I keep saying I could have the completely wrong end of the stick.

"I know a bit more than you do, Eth." He smiled genuinely not annoyed. He got up out of his chaur and walked over to them both, he swung his arm around Lottie. I really wanted to know what was going on now, I don't care if that was nosey but that was me really.

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