Chapter Six // Shopping, Sexual Exprience & Rebekah+Freezy

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(Lottie's POV)

"So where are we meeting Rebekah?" Harry asked pulling down his Ray Bans. He always looks cool, sometimes he doesn't do anything for himself when he acts like a dick.

"We have too meet her on the other side." I said pointing to the doors that open to the outside.

"What are we actually going too do today?" Freezy asked walking next too me.

"Shopping and Rebekah is going too stay for a couple of days." I smiled up at him. He put his arm round me, he is so tall and I am so small it just looked wrong but I laughed.

"Rebekah's cool, she knows stuff." He laughed. I looked up at him a smirked, he just pushed me then pulled me back so he could lean on me again.

"What stuff?" I asked looking up at him.

He shrugged. "You know Fifa, and things about Xbox. It's cool when girls know that sort of thing." He smiled, we we're practically at the door, I was hoping that she'd be already there.

Callum was about too push the door open but a girl came up too him a shouted "Oh my god! You're Callux."

"Yep that's me." He smiled but he seemed pretty creeped out. I just laughed which earned me a dirty look. Freezy still had his arm round me, all three of us Freezy, Harry and I just laughed.

"Callum, we'll be outside. Come out when you're ready." I laughed so did the others.

"Who even is that?" The girl asked Callum. I felt a pang of jealousy come over me. I didn't want her talking to him, this is when I felt like I wanted to punch her but that wasn't right so I decided maybe not the best idea.

"Rebekah!" I shouted as I saw her, I haven't seen her in ages well I have but I used too see her everyday so I miss her when I don't see her.

"Lottie!" She screamed we looked like them typical Internet friends that first meet each other.

"Right you remember this two dick heads don't you?" I laughed.

"Hey!" Freezy said wrapping his arm round my shoulders. I laughed along with them.

"Yeah I do." She laughed. She hugged Freezy and Harry.

"Ready too shop girls." Freezy laughed.

"Shut up." Rebekah and I said at the same time, we both laughed. We all walked back into the shopping centre. We walked through the doors and all I saw was Callum and that fucking girl talking, Callum looked bored but the girl had her hands all over him. That is one of the reason's I wanted to punch the shit out of her.

"Callum." I said putting my hand on his back. She gave me a dirty look, I looked back at the other three who were all having their own convocations. "You ready too go babe?" I said gaining confidence, he was pretty ataken back by this.

"Yeah, I am." He smiled at me. "It was nice meeting you, bye." He said walking away from the girl. I was so pissed off but I didn't want too take it out on Callum. It wasn't his fault I was utterly jealous of a really pretty, skinny girl.

"So, do you know her?" I asked Callum trying to make convocation so this wasn't intierly awkaward.

"No, she just watched my videos." He smiled at me, which I returned.

"Oh, right." I said a little annoyed still but that is something I am going to have to get used to living with these three. I don't want too be that typical girl who makes a YouTube channel just because her boyfriend- I mean friend does.

"Hang on." He smirked, I was confused and stopped dead in my tracks. "You're jealous aren't you." He smirked as we carried on walking, I wanted to go to do some Make Up shopping as I had thrown most of mine in the bin as it had pretty much got destroyed whilst moving.

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