Chapter Thirty // Tweets & Running Away & Confessions

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{ Aimee's POV }

4 missed calls from Harold.

We were all out on the beach everyone went into the sea I wasn't a massive fan of deep waters, so I stayed on the beach trying to get a tan. My phone laid next to me - everyone was out in the sea so I decided to check my Twitter. I saw one tweet that came up first which made me cry - hate doesn't usually get too me but I don't know maybe it was because there was so many jealous girls giving me constant hate. They even made a page called 'Aimeesaslut'

At first I tried to think nothing of it but it started to get too me before we came on holiday. Harry told me that none of their tweets were true and they were just jealous of what we had.

tweet one - @aimeexx can harry just leave you already, he doesn't need you lol

tweet two - @aimeexx you do know harry cheated on you at i54 lol

tweet three - @aimeexx are you that gullible to think that someone like harry would love someone like YOU?

I read them three tweets when I was sitting on my own giving myself time to ponder on these tweets. I made sure their things were safe then without them noticing I ran off down the beach. I wanted to be alone - I didn't want to be with Harry nor Lottie nor Freezy or any of the others.

That brings us to the present. I am currently wondering around Greece no idea where I am, I am in a bikini and a kimono - It wasn't cold luckily but I didn't want to wondering around in just this but I wanted time to think.

Would Harry cheat on me?

Would Harry ever intentionally hurt me?

Harry loves me, right?

My phone began to vibrate again: Harold is calling.

I pressed decline - like I keep saying I don't want to speak to anyone. My phone vibrated again - Lottie is calling. I'm going to pick up I think she'll understand and wont say they are just 'jealous'

"Hello?" I cried into the phone.

"Where are you?" Lots said quickly wanting to find out where I was soon.

"Further down the beach Lots." I told her.

"Stay there I'll be there in two." She said calmly then hung up the phone.I sat down on the sand. She knew where I was because all of the girls went for a jog along the beach this morning and we ended up here.

"Mimi." I heard Lottie call, I saw two other people walking with her. I knew it was Rebekah and Lauren. I knew that she wouldn't bring Harry.

"Yeah?" I sobbed. I was sat against a rock which was massive and stood tall on the beach.

"What's going on?" Lauren asked walking over to me with the rest of the girls. They all sat down in front of me. Their knees were pulled up to their chest.

"You know hate - Twitter." I tried to explain as briefly as I could.

"What have people been saying this time?" Rebekah asked playing with the sand - picking it up and letting it fall through her fingers.

"That Harry cheated on my at Insomnia." I told them looking down at the floor. "I can't stand the constant hate anymore, Harry doesn't care either." I twisted my lips.

"Harry wouldn't cheat." Lots reassured me. "I know he should start sticking up for you more - but none of them can. They are all too nice and all of them should start hardening up." She admitted.

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