Chapter Thirty - One // Arrival & Anger

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( Simon's POV )

"Stop staring!" Josh shouted laughing through the window at the girls. We had a gym in the basement of this house, there was double doors which led out to the garden which is where the hot tub was - they used the excuse of the hot tub to watch us work out.

"Why?" Lauren shouted back through the double doors which were open.

"You're making us feel uncomfortable." He laughed picking up the weights again.

"Fine then." Lauren pretended to be upset. The girls went back to their own conversations. It was dark outside because what we've been doing today is chilling out at the beach not doing much, the girls wanted to get a tan. The boys and I just wanted to jump in the sea.

It was nice working out at night - means I can get in the shower then get into bed and feel much better about myself.

"Boys, do you want a drink?" Lots asked us coming into the room collecting our glasses to go and refill them.

"Yeah please - what I had before babe." I smiled at her kissing her on the cheek quickly.

"Okay." She smiled going a bit red. She walked out with all of her glasses.

"So Ethan-" Lots was cut of from her conversation with Ethan by the lights turning off. "Guys what the fuck?" She shouted - outside it was pitch black. I couldn't see anything. I slowly put the weights down carefully.

"What is happening?" Vik said trying to stay calm. "Has anyone get their phone on them?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I heard Rebekah shout.

"Bekah, turn the light on." Vik shouted - everyone was pretty freaked out seeming as what had happened over the last few weeks wasn't really forgettable

"Done." She said turning it on. We all had the tiniest bit of light now.

"So no one else has their phone on them?" Harry asked trying to stay clam.

"Nope." We all said at the same time.

"Yeah, guys, I'm over here and cannot see!" Lots shouted over to us. She was on the other side of the garden in the middle of getting us drinks.

"Can you hear that?" Tobi asked listening, I couldn't see his face clearly.

"What?" I asked trying to find everyone - I knew where Lots was but I didn't want to go over admittedly I was scared. Best boyfriend ever, huh?

"It's a car, we're in the middle of nowhere." He told me. "Why has it stopped?" He asked out of confusion.

"Lots?" I called. No answer - maybe she couldn't hear me. "Lots!" I shouted once more. No answer. She could have gone inside.

"Josh, this is scary." Lauren told him. I looked over where the flash light was shining on them, she was hugging into him. He had his arms wrapped protectively around her.

"Where the fuck is Lottie?" I asked starting to get worried now.

"Could've gone inside to find a light?" Freezy suggested with his arm around Rebekah.

"Nah, she would of shouted back." I told him walking a little closer to the pool. There was a massive pool in the middle of the garden and just behind it was the bar. I tried to listen for rustling but I couldn't hear anything.

My legs took my closet to the windows that looked in on the living room, I saw a black shadow. Looking away, I then looked back again, nothing was there.

"Guys!" I loudly whispered not wanting to attract anyone's attention from inside.

"What?" Lauren whispered loudly walking over to where I was standing.

"I think there is someone in there?" I whispered in Lauren's ear. Lauren tip toed to see over the window ledge.

"I'm scared Si." She told me ducking under the ledge - in all fairness I'm pretty scared myself. Why do all of the bad things happen to us?

"Stay calm it is probably a big prank by one of the boys that we're taking too seriously." I told her tying to think rationally.

"If I am honest Si, it is pretty scary. I mean we have been staying here for a week now and it's been going all well and good now this shit has scared me." She told me honestly. Everything around here has been going good.

"I know, I know... All of the bad things seem to happen to us." I raised my eyebrows peering round the corner.

"If Lots has put on this as a massive prank, I'll kill her." Lauren told me shaking her head laughing a little - trying to lighten the mood.

"You won't be the only one."I giggled - nope. I laughed, sorry. I felt a couple of patters of rain fall onto my head.

"The only fucking day it rains in Greece and it chooses to be today!" I heard Vik shout from the gym area.

"Amazing." Ethan shouted in a sarcastic voice. The bright lights came on showing up the whole garden but the lights inside didn't turn back on.

"This is so creepy." Rebekah said coming over to stand with Lauren and I.

"What is even going on, you don't understand how confused I am." Cal said shaking his head, he ran his hands over his face - I'm taking he was scared just like we were. As much as Freezy, Josh and Tobi liked to act as if they weren't scared I can see them checking too see if anyone is going to come up from behind them. I can also see how much Freezy is scared to let Rebekah go, when she slipped out of his arms and made her way over to me - his eyes were constantly on her.

"I'm with Cal, what the fuck is going on?"Aimee said moving close by Harry's side.

"You know what, I hate to admit that I'm scared but I am a hundred percent shitting myself." Cal shook his head.

"I say we go into the house, and look around for Lots." Josh told us raising his eyebrows - he pushed the double doors open. I heard the speakers for the music being turned on which was confusing.

I slowly walked around the living room trying to feel for anyone's phone on the small table placed in the middle of the room - I just wanted a light - I would probably feel a little more safe then I do right now.

"Has someone locked this door?" Lauren asked referring to the kitchen door.I tried looking over but I couldn't see anything.

"You're talking about the kitchen door right?" I asked Lauren, I am pretty sure no one locked it - no one would have reason too.

"Yeah... It won't open." Lauren shouted sounding as if she was struggling to open the door.

The lights switched on at the same time as the music started blaring - Lamborghini came on.

"Guess who's arrived bitches!" JJ shouted through the house - I started laughing.

"You're a dick, you know that?"Ethan shook his head having his hand over his heart.

"Had to make an entrance." JJ laughed turning down the music.

"Hang on, where is Lottie?" I asked starting to get worried all over again.

"Simon, calm down. She was helping me with all of this." JJ informed me as Lots came out of the kitchen.

"That's why the door was fucking locked." Lauren laughed looking into the kitchen where all of JJ's stuff was.

"You brought your car?" Tobi asked JJ looking outside the front of the house.

"Nope, I rented one so we can actually go places. Something you guys haven't been doing much of." JJ laughed sitting down putting his feet up. Lots walked over too me and put her arm round my waist,

"Nah." I shook my head - I shouldn't be annoyed at Lots seeming as it was JJ's idea to try and scare us but she should have known. Everything that has happened to us over the past couple of weeks has really hit me. I thought that someone could have took her tonight and she thought that would have been a funny prank.

"Babe?" She called after me running up the stairs trying to catch up with me.

"Lottie, leave me alone." I slammed the door. I feel bad but she'll soon understand why I am so angry.

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