Chapter Eleven // The Truth, Freezy+Rebekah & Ethan's Secret Crush.

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Simons POV

I ran after her not wanting her to believe herself thinking that I would treat her different. I only heard the bit about her being fostered, I don't know why she freaked out so much.

"Lottie, come back." I said as we walked outside the front of the house it was about six o'clock in the morning and she was walking around in no shoes, and a dress.

"Simon you'll tell everyone." She shouted back at me, why would I do that?

"Why would I do that, it's your business. I just wanna help you when you feel down about it." I asked walking closer too where she was sitting. She was sitting on the wall that basically guarded our house.

"Simon, I don't mean the fostering you heard about the dealing too didn't you?" I looked at her confused now. Dealing? I didn't hear anything about that.

"I didn't hear anything about the dealing, do you want to tell me about that now?" I said pushing myself up onto the wall too sit next to her.

"Great." She said a little angry with herself. "Basically, my mum passed away and just like any other teenage girl I wanted money. I was selfish and didn't wait for pocket money or actually be good and do chores to earn the money. So I decided to turn to something that everyone loved, drugs. I didn't do them i gave them too people collected money. Then moved away stopped all of that and got bullied, non stop." She blurted out, I was glad that she told me but I felt sorry for her. Why should anyone have to put themselves through that.

"Look, I won't tell anyone. When you feel ready too tell people that's when you do it. I like you Lottie, just as much as I did when I didn't know about this." I said touching her hand, we entwined our fingers together.

"I'm sorry for running off like that, I didn't know what too do. I didn't know how you were going to react. No one other than you and Ethan know about it, it's hard." She told me, I nodded. I gathered , I squeezed her hand for reassurance.

"Let's go back inside." I said sliding of the wall slowly, I grabbed Lottie's hand and helped her off the wall too. We walked back through the house and people were starting to gradually wake up and go, we speed up to get to my room as Callum gets of the sofa.

"Lottie please." He repeats what he said yesterday. This time she ignores him.

"Callum please leave." I said calmly after finding out what happened too her I didn't want anything to hurt her anymore. Nothing, not Callum, not me, not anyone.

"Fine." He gave in and walked off. I just wanted him gone anyone who can make someone feel like shit that much doesn't deserve someone as good as Lottie.


Rebekah's POV

The brightness of the sun shone through the window, I opened my eyes only to be blinded.

"Good morning beautiful." Freezy said in his morning voice which literally made me think he was about a hundred times sexier.

"Good morning." I said still not believing how truly sexy that voice was.

"Come closer it's cold." He said pulling my waist closer too him. I laughed and cuddled into him. I think he was the one, I really did like. I haven't ever really had a thing for a boy, I've always been with my girls and done girly things... I was never to fussed about boys.

"Freezy, when I go back. I'm going to miss you." I told him, he looked at me with a lopsided smile, he nodded at me. I think he forgot that I had to go back sometime. I've found friends who live a couple of miles away from me, doesn't sound a lot but I also have work. I can't drop everything and stay with the sidemen, Freezy and Callum.

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