Chapter Two / Settling in.

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(Lotties POV)

Last night Harry and I were up all night talking, I found out a lot about him like how he started a YouTube channel and his name is 'Wroetoshaw'. He told me how he previously lived in a flat with Callum and Freezy. He said that it was all down to his YouTube channel, he said they are basically brothers now. He also told me how he is part of a group called 'The Sidemen'. I also found out how he isn't one for partying and he would rather stay it with pizza and his xbox. In return he found a lot about me.

He told me how I could basically be his long lost twin, he said he can see us being really close. I'm glad about that, that means that I won't be wondering aorund friendless this year. In all my other schools I had no friends which made me instantly hate the school, I've dropped out of at least four maybe, five.

I looked over at Harry's bed he was fast asleep, I decied to throw one of his pillows that were on the floor at him. He looked startled, he shook his head laughing when he realised it was me.

"Morning Lots." He said using a nickname that I had never been called before, I gave him a weird look as if to say 'where the fuck did that come from?' "Do you not want me too call you that?" He said a little bit panicy.

"No I like it, but I've never had a nickname." I smiled at him, I got out of bed and soon realised that I was wearing short shorts, and a plain black tank top. I didn't think anything of it and just walked to the little kitchen bit in our dorm to get a drink.

"Really no one has ever called you 'Lots' " Harry laughed obviously thinking it was a pretty basic nickname, which it was but I've never had friends too call me 'Lots'.

"I've never really had friends." I confessed. "If I am honest, I am suprised that you, Callum and Freezy were so nice too me, and actually wanted to be my friends, I mean thats if you want to be my friend - now I sound very gay, urg, I'm gonna shut up." I mentally face palmed, I looked at Harry who was looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Look, I've never really had friends I only really became popular when I started YouTube." He said, I walked over to his bed and handed him a glass of orange juice.

"Harry I don't believe that for a second." I said plopping down on my bed, I got my phone of the table and copied Harry I started scrolling through social media while carrying on the convocation with Harry.

"Why not?" He laughed still looking down at his phone, we had the same phone which is going to be pretty confusing. I flicked through my twitter and I had a couple of notifications

@Callux followed you.

@Calfreezy followed you.

"Just because, you seem like the type of guy to go out to a party and get drunk. Get with lots of girls, go home not care about them. Have loads of mates and be a 'Lad'." I looked at him giving him my honest opinion, he looked at me and laughed.

"You know I'm nothing like that!" Harry carried on laughing.

"Also, Mr I Don't Party." I called him, he looked over at me and cocked an eyebrow. "If Callum and Freezy can follow me on twitter so can you mate." I said winking at him.

"Well my friend, you don't follow me." He laughed, that was all we seemed to do. We only seemed too laugh, which was good we got on so well. We both like Xbox, he was loud as hell, I was loud as hell.

"Twitter name, bro?" I shouted, he carried on laughing. His laugh was so cute, it was contagious. You have to laugh whenever the idiot laughs.

" @wroetoshaw sis" He said taking the piss out of what I had previously called him. I stuck my middle finger up at him, there was a knock at the door. I got out of bed a strolled to the door, I opened it and was greeted by two people embracing me in a hug.

How Wroetoshaw Changed My Life {Sidemen FF}Where stories live. Discover now