6. Let It Out

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Frank's POV

I carded my fingers through my hair several times, groaning and feeling this pit in my chest. I felt... I don't know! I don't fucking know! I'm not supposed to. I need to clear my head. I ripped off my jacket, seeing that this was my only fucking shirt that concealed my wings; just when I thought this was going to be a good day. I grumbled and pushed my wings out, hearing the ripping and then my wings lifting me to the sky.

The wind in my face, my hair, the birds at my side. I felt those wet things come out of my dry eyes, feeling my face become wet faster. I hadn't even hit cloud level. I stopped, my wings flapping as I wiped my face with the ripped shirt that I had clinging to my body. What is happening? I spotted a clearing below, in the vast forest that had no end. I dove, landing in the clearing and collapsing to my knees in front of this huge tree. I don't know why, but it felt like I was one of my victims in hell, gasping for air and the wet solution poured down my face. I spread my wings, seeing white feathers in place of my primaries that were once as black as the night sky. Now, they were as pale as the full moon.

I wiped my eyes, again and again, but they wouldn't dry. I sighed and let it out, apparently, that did the trick because my eyes soon dried up and I was able to breathe normally. It still hadn't evened out, but I was still going through the aftershocks. I hit my fist against the tree, feeling the energy shock into my arm as it recoiled. I sat against the tree and sighed, curling up into a ball and biting my thumbnail.

I didn't know what waves of what were going through me, I didn't know why, I just knew I had to sit and wait it out. I flap my wings a little, looking at the white amongst the black. It looked like stars, the color swarming in between the black. My hands brushed against the white primaries that had finally grown in, but it was so weird to fly for that first time. I felt weightless, and it was just a few feathers.

The only thing was that I was- am a demon. My wings shouldn't be white, but I don't know what caused this. First, the molting, then the primaries coming out, new ones coming in. And they were that of what I'd seen in an angel's; that of what I've seen in Gerard's wings. Nothing tainting them. It wasn't like I wished for the same thing, no, I just wished my wings would quit hurting, shedding, molting, growing. They had grown, in width, in the bone; they were bigger and it made me clumsy most of the time.

I stumbled, made messes, and just made them worse when I tried to clean it up. Spilled drinks, boxes that I closed, opened again because my wings knocked it over, leaving it alone because I would do it again and again; it was pointless and tedious. I used to find joy in just leaving it, pissing off Gerard and all, but I was just trying now. But it didn't work. And here I was, on the forest floor, not even realizing that there was a squirrel on my knee until now.

"Hello, little guy," I whispered, sniffling and bringing my finger up to barely brush the soft fur. "I bet you don't have to deal with feelings. You find a mate, you stick with her... Or him. Whatever you end up liking," I whispered, seeing it look towards me, nose twitching in curiosity. Its paws reached up for my face, grabbing my nose and standing there on my knee. "Can you help me understand?" I asked, tilting my head and watching as it scurried off into the forest. The squirrel rejoined what I assumed to be its mate, snuggling and nuzzling into the other.

"I want that kind of love," I whispered, frowning as the two squirrels hopped around the branches, chasing each other and nuzzling every once and a while. I sighed and took off the ripped shirt, feeling... I don't know, but I missed my shirt. I wish I hadn't ripped it, but I guess I just wanted to go and get away fast. I balled it up, sighing and coming up to the treetops. My wings didn't hurt while I was flying, moving to find home again. I grunted as I landed at the edge of the housing dorms, walking back slowly to house 519.

I grabbed my jacket, put it over my wings, and walked inside. I could see Gerard coming out of the bathroom, drying his hair, his wings flapping around, and getting the water off. He probably heard me shut the door because as soon as I did, he took the towel from his head. "Hey... What happened to your shirt?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

I felt my eyes burn as I remembered my shirt, clutching it under the jacket I had on. I frowned and looked down, shaking my head. "Nothing," I mumbled, sighing and making my way up the stairs. I felt a little tired, going to my assigned bedroom. I groaned and closed my door, flopping onto my bed. I cuddled into my blankets, slipping the jacket out from underneath and closing my eyes. I'll just have to wait out whatever was happening, hoping it was going to end soon.

Twinges of pain in my wings kept me awake for a little longer, of course. Gerard knocked on my door and I just laid there, knowing if I answered, he'd probably come in and see my wings. A disgrace. I sighed and tried to cover them up, hearing the door open and seeing Gerard peeking in. "When will you learn to leave me alone?! Get out!" I shouted, throwing my pillow at the door and accidentally collapsing against the bed because I was so tired. I heard the click of my door, sighing out of relief.

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