21. You Made It

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Gerard's POV

I slowly rose from my sleeping state, the sun warm at my back, opening my eyes to see it shining onto the wall in front of me. I saw Frank, his hair covering his face, still sleeping peacefully. I moved my hair out of my face with the hand that was not being crushed by Frank, though I didn't mind as it kept him from falling off the bed currently. I just watched him a little longer, wanting to see this forever, but I really could. I was reminded that we didn't have shirts on, but my body was still waking up and I didn't know what else had been removed. I moved only slightly, feeling that I had on boxers, but not my pants, though maybe it was because they were too tight to sleep with.

I know what we did, but I still could believe we did, staying there and just smiling. I get to wake up to Frank's face every morning that we had on Earth. It was a rather exciting fact. I brought my hand up gently to move some of Frank's hair from his face, kissing his forehead gently. I messed with his hair a little longer, missing his eyes and his smile. I gave him a quick kiss on the forehead, smiling as I placed another one right between his eyes. "Frankie, wake up," I whispered, seeing his eyes pop open and that quirky little smile come to his face. "I'm awake, just seeing how long it would take you to wake me up instead of staring at me," Frank rasped, chuckling as I blushed. "The morning sun looked too good on you not to enjoy it," I admitted simply, seeing him nod and realize he was about to fall off the bed. He scooted closer towards me, cuddling up into my chest and letting out a small sigh as he kissed my chest gently. "You're beautiful in this light," He whispered, though I could feel him blushing as I burrowed into the blankets a little more.

I didn't know how to respond, looking down and smiling at Frank, scooting down just a little bit before kissing the tip of his nose. "You missed," He whispered, chuckling as he leaned in and kissed me gently, tenderly, lovingly. It was sweet, pulling away slowly and smiling as we stared at each other. I still couldn't get over his eyes, the green dancing in the sun, his hair falling over one of his eyes just slightly but just enough that I could still see his eyes; I could stare at him all day. My stomach had different plans though, growling in the midst of my morning glory, which was brought to Frank's attention since he was pressed against me. "Come on, breakfast is the most important meal of the day," Frank told me, kissing me briefly before sitting up and swinging his legs over the bed. "And here I was thinking it was dinner, looks like you'll have to prove me wrong," I whispered, eyeing Frank as he stood there, stretching, and then my words registering in his brain before letting out a laugh. "Get up you perv," He chuckled out, leaning down to kiss my forehead one last time before walking out of the room in just his boxers.

I eventually got up, grabbing a rather tight t-shirt that I suddenly figured out was Frank's. It was just on my floor, but I kind of liked it, walking down the stairs and seeing Frank tiredly cooking bacon and hashbrowns. I came up behind him, kissing the scorpion tattoo and smiling at him. "Good morning," I whispered, getting a chuckle out of him and letting my thumb rub against his "Search" tattoo, my other hand being right over the "Destroy" tattoo. "Good morning," Frank whispered back, leaning back a little to reach my face to kiss my cheek. "Smells good, I might just have a bite," I whispered, pretending to bite his neck like a vampire and feeling him tense up when I actually bit him. Not very hard, but I did.

"U-um, why did you just bite me?" Frank asked quietly, chuckling a little. "That was an accident, I swear," I told him, laughing into his shoulder and feeling him join in. "Well, don't hesitate to do it again, sugar," Frank mumbled, flipping the bacon and stirring the hashbrowns as I stood behind him, thinking for a little bit. "I'm gonna whip up some pancake batter," I told him, kissing his cheek before having to hesitantly let go. I went and made some pancake batter from scratch, putting some in a pan and watching for bubbles on the raw side.

"Bacon is almost done. Do you like it crispy?" Frank asked. I nodded, moving a little bit to a tune in my head. "Gee?" He whispered, trying to get my attention. "Hm? Bacon, yeah, a little crispy, but not too crispy that it can do a plank in the air," I said, turning to him and seeing his smile. "What were you thinking about?" He asked, putting the bacon on a plate as I flipped the first pancake. "Just a song stuck in my head," I admitted, tapping my foot to the rhythm, seeing him do the same.

"That's a good song, by the way," Frank mumbled, kissing my cheek as he put the bacon in the microwave to keep it warm. "The Misfits are just a good band," I countered, seeing him nod as I took the pancake off of the pan and onto a plate. I continued to make pancakes as Frank made hash browns by my side, humming every once and a while. It was quiet, comfortable, and fun as we finished. "Pancakes," I whispered, going to the fridge to grab the syrup and butter. "Hashbrowns?" Frank said in a questioning tone as he grabbed the plates and silverware. "Both, plus the bacon," I asserted, smiling as I went to put everything on the coffee table. I went back for the mugs for the coffee, pouring two cups and taking both of them to the table.

"Tada! We made breakfast," Frank announced excitedly. I nodded, kissing his cheek as say down. "Congrats, maybe you have shown me the importance of breakfast," I joked, seeing him roll his eyes as he laughed, nudging me slightly. "Eat your breakfast, you horndog," He laughed out, though I knew that word, it was different from perv. "Where have you heard that word from? Horndog?" I asked right before Frank had put the hashbrowns in his mouth. "From a book. I had to look it up though," He admitted, taking a bite and chewing as he sifted through the channels to find a movie.

We ate breakfast while we watched some movie that Frank picked, a romance of course. Teenage angst, secrets, kids getting shoved into lockers, and the obvious happening with the characters falling in love. The trope had been overused for sure, but I would watch it anytime honestly don't get me wrong, it's just that this movie was just sappy. I finished eating, cuddling up to Frank, and drinking my coffee as I watched. I smiled, feeling that this moment was perfect. It was mind-blowing how we ended up here. Together.

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