16. Welcome

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(AN: I know it's short, don't worry.)

Frank's POV

I woke up, hearing a ringing in my ears and groaning as I tried to get out of my bed. It was way too bright for my eyes, putting my hand over them as a snapback would. I stood up, immediately falling back to my bed in a fit of sudden fatigue, feeling like I had been pushed off my feet. "Gerard..." I mumbled tiredly, my voice cracking a little as I tried to get up again. I supported myself by the footboard of my bed, stretching and trying to shake off the weary feeling. I guessed it was because I stayed up and finished that book last night, just needing coffee.

I stumbled down the hallway, looking into Gerard's room and seeing that it was vacant as far as I knew. I frowned, looking down the stairs and thinking that a stair slide would be helpful right about now. I held onto the railing, going at a slower pace than a turtle. Each step became agonizing, wishing I had just stayed in bed. It was too late for that now, halfway down the staircase and so close to the living room.

As I reached the last step, I felt the underside of my feet give out, feeling the impact of the floor against my shoulder. I knew I fell, but it took a second to register as the pain slowly crept up my arm. I felt arms come around me, feeling my ribs start to hurt and groaning as I felt my wing twitch again and again. I tried to open my eyes, but they were kept shut as I heard the echo of a voice beyond me. "It hurts," I whispered, hearing the echo once more and not being able to make out the words.

Slowly, I opened my eyes against the pain that felt like a carving in my ribs, feeling myself panting as it kept going. I saw Gerard, my vision going in and out, blurring a little at the edges. I felt the carving stop, feeling at peace for once since waking. I smiled at Gerard, seeing his mouth moving and saying something, but I smiled. I couldn't move or say anything, but if I could, I would have told him not to worry. Suddenly, as fast as the fatigue had dispersed, I saw a bright white light, feeling my body grow limp as it was fading. "Welcome, Frank Iero," I heard a familiar voice say. It was the last thing I heard before the light faded away, going completely black.

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