15. Recommendations

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Gerard's POV

I looked at my book in confusion, seeing the cover and title. So far, it was a forbidden romance, sure, but it's supposedly better than the book character in Frank's book that couldn't keep his dick in his pants. Whatever that means, maybe he cheated, maybe he had a higher sex drive, but by what Frank was saying, I'd say the guy was a sex addict or something. I looked at my door, and then to my shelf of books, walking to sift through them and smiling once I found the proper one.

I walked down the hall, knocking on Frank's door and seeing him opening it a few seconds later. I waved a little, seeing him look at the book in my hands. "Hey, I have a little recommendation, since your book isn't going so well," I told him, holding it out to him. I only just discovered he was into these kinds of novels, romance at least. In that genre, I picked out one of my favorites that he would likely enjoy, seeing as he had a hard time with the conflict trope.

Frank hesitated in taking it, looking at it, and then locking eyes with me. "What's it about?" Frank asked quietly, to which I kind of chuckled. "Don't worry, the conflict is short-lived in this book. It's about two friends, a forest fairy and a water fairy, they run away together and- I'll save the ending for you. It's happy, I assure you," I explained, seeing Frank take it when I left him to wonder what the happy ending was. "It's kind of what humans tend to call cottagecore," I told him, seeing him looking at the back of the book, nodding.

"It's a love story between two different fairies," Frank whispered, smiling and running his fingertips over the cover. "It's an adorable story," I replied, seeing him smile. "I'd take adorable over this crap," He said, holding up the book that had been held to his chest minutes before when he was sobbing into my chest. "I got ⅔ of the way in, skipped to the end... He dies," He whispered sadly, sighing and holding the book out to me. "Take it, burn it, I'm holding a grudge against this author," Frank whispered once more as I took it from his hand.

Once I looked at the book, I blushed and put it to my side, knowing that if he got ⅔ of the way through the book then he would have read past the... Oh well, it's not like I'm him, and I'd be a hypocrite seeing as I had read the book myself. "I've read this before, I'm holding the same grudge against the author," I chuckled out, seeing him give me a nod and then a thumbs up. "Good thing we agree," He let out, letting me walk away back to my room.

"Oh, wait, I wanted to say thank you," Frank said, standing in the hallway as he held the book. "You already have Frank," I told him, seeing him nod. "Oh- could I have my bookmark? It's between 241 and 242," Frank told me, to which I nodded and opened the book up to reveal his bookmark. I held it up, walking over to him and chuckling. "Artemis fan I see?" I teased, making him laugh a little as he nodded. "Yeah, I looked up a little Greek Mythology when I bought a laptop. I don't believe in it, it was just a fairly cool concept behind each character. Artemis is badass though, women archers rule," Frank explained, which made me smile a little. "Persephone is my favorite," I told him, seeing his little smile as I let the bookmark go.

I watched him run to his bed, diving into blankets and opening the book up as he pushed play on the movie he was watching. I smiled and closed his door for him, going to my room and looking down at the book. "Burn it..." I whispered, repeating Frank and kind of smiling at the thought. I grabbed out a lighter that I had found fascinating from the convenience store, thinking of grabbing some kindling but knowing that the book would provide enough. I went downstairs, trailing my way to grab shoes.

I was excited to burn it. I went around to the forest, kind of digging out a hole and smiling as I ripped one of my least favorite pages. I started to rip the worst parts out, lighting them on fire and throwing the book in afterward. As I watched the flames consume the book, burning it to ash, I felt a little bit better. It was a terrible book after all. I went to the nearby creek, picking up water and putting it on the fire. I put some dirt over it, burying it and smothering the rest of the fire.

Going back to the house, I put up my jacket, seeing Frank in the kitchen. "Hey, where were you, I was gonna ask if you wanted any noodles," Frank told me, to which I smiled. "Doing what you told me, but I could go for some noodles," I replied, seeing his smile as he held out a cup of noodles to me. I took the cup, smiling and poking his hand as I went to grab a fork. "Thanks," I whispered, seeing his slight blush. "Of course," He whispered back, eating his noodles in silence. I patted his back, going up the stairs and eating as I went over to my desk. I had a new drawing idea, and it had been stuck in my head for a little while. I ate and sketched, briefly seeing Frank walk by my door, seeing his tiny smile again as he disappeared.

I sketched a little, seeing the pencil smudge in convenient places as I made the guidelines. The lines made up a face, filling in details as I went and letting it be a little simple. As I added a lip ring, I smiled and stood back, looking at the whole picture and seeing his face. Frank stood with his wings spread open, a light in his eyes and his feet together.

A wonderful picture of a beautiful, and cute boy.

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