11. Onyx

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Gerard's POV

I looked at Frank's wings, wanting to brush my hand against them and... It was enticing. I stopped my hand right before I did though, he was eating crackers and I didn't want to disturb him. Thing is, his wings were hardly that of a demon anymore and there is a rule of never touching an angel's wing. It tends to give us pleasure, all the veins and nerves are kind of exposed in a way, but it's only when they're being touched. Plus, it's just weird to brush someone's wings out of the blue.

I looked at them, and the more I did, the more I wanted to brush away the black feathers, tilting my head a little. "Hey, Frank. Do you mind if I get the black feathers off the back of your wings?" I asked absentmindedly, seeing him look back, most likely trying to see the feathers. It was a little more black on this side, but it was mostly loose feathers from what I could see. "Sure, I can't reach back there," Frank said, continuing to eat his crackers.

My fingers went to one wing, brushing them through and seeing the feathers coming out with ease. I grabbed a handful, putting them on the counter and going through to brush even more out. Frank's wing would twitch when my hand would rub up against this one part that had a lot of feathers lodged in between the white ones. I shouldn't have, I know, but I acted oblivious and tried to make sure there weren't anymore in that area. I could see his other wing twitching as well, but I kept brushing out the feathers and putting them on the counter.

"Okay, one wing down," I told him, moving onto his other wing and seeing him lean against the counter a little bit. "Dude, how much was from the first wing?" He asked, laying his head down on his arms that were crossed. "You'll see in a sec, just let me get this one done," I reassured him, grabbing handfuls of feathers and putting them on the counter again. It's somewhat satisfying to just brush out his wings, smiling as I finished getting the feathers out.

"There were a lot on the back of your wings," I whispered in amazement, seeing him move and look to his left. "Oh-" He whispered, bringing his wings around himself and seeing the back of his wings. They were now a light grey, which was amazing as he started to look like an angel. He smiled, still keeping his wings around himself and laughing to himself a little. "Thank you, it feels a little lighter," Frank told me, smoothening the edge of his wings, looking a bit distracted.

"You're welcome," I chuckled out, the microwave beeping and telling me that my noodles were done. I opened the microwave, taking out my cup and cleaning up the little bit of spilled juice. I leaned against the kitchen island, humming as I waited for my food to cool down for a second as I grabbed a fork. All of the sudden, I felt a little bit of a tingle go down my spine and immediately closed my wings. "S-sorry! I just wanted to see if your wings were softer," Frank whispered in a panicked voice, though I chuckled a little and nodded.

"Frank, you probably need to wash your wings, I got a shower a couple of days ago," I told him, turning around and seeing him holding his wings around himself. "Oh, yeah, I probably should take a shower," He whispered, looking at his wings and then mine. "Okay, I could make a cup of Ramen for you then," I said, smiling at him as he nodded and uncurled his wings from around him as he walked up the stairs. I smiled when I caught the sight of his chest a little, seeing even more tattoos and wondering what they were. It was kind of fun to see people's tattoos, considering some of them held deep meanings.

I started eating my noodles, putting another cup in the microwave for Frank. Honestly, as I was thinking about it, I couldn't think of when the last time I saw Frank's wings. They were pure black the first time I saw them, like the color onyx, but now when I thought of that color I thought of Frank. How his wings used to be. Now, they were pure white, but they were getting there, just a few more stubborn feathers, and they'd be like mine. As I thought about it, I kind of blushed, realizing he was shirtless in the kitchen with me, just his wings were curled around him. It made me wonder back to what the tattoos were on his chest.

As I finished off my noodles, Frank's noodles were finished. I left them in the microwave to keep them warm, looking up at the clock and nodding as I rubbed my eyes. Guess it was getting late, but I wasn't really tired just yet. I was thinking of waiting for Frank, though I didn't know what to do while I waited. I looked around, seeing my sketchbook and smiling as I settled on drawing for a bit.

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