19. Welcome Home

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Author's Note: Frank isn't vegetarian in this, as well as speaking from the previous chapter when he ate chicken noodle soup. Alright? Good! :)

Gerard's POV

I paced back and forth, biting my nails, my wings twitching in anticipation for Frank's arrival. He wasn't in trouble, he wasn't going to be in trouble, he was just being sworn in by his first visit to heaven. Ugh, but it was nerve-wracking as I waited. I should have gone with him, I should have said screw it and gone with him, but nooo, I have to be a rule follower! As I had almost ripped off my thumbnail, I heard the door open and I tackled Frank into a hug the second he stepped in. "Hey, you miss me?" He asked, rubbing my back and kissing my cheek.

"Uhuh, you have no idea how long 10 fucking minutes last when your soon-to-be husband has to be sworn in," I whined, sounding overdramatic, but it doesn't matter. "Well, I'm home, you have nothing to worry about now, my love," He reassured me, kissing my forehead as he let me go. My love. He immediately yanked on the tie to loosen it from his neck, sighing from what looked to be relief.

"What do you wanna do now that you're home?" I asked, looking at his adorable face and seeing his pretty smile. "Well, someone is dropping by here in 1 or 2 days to make the eternity bond official, but I am starving, I didn't get to eat breakfast before I left," He told me, taking off the tie and laying it on the counter of the kitchen island. "Well, why don't you go take a shower, I'll cook. And no, it's not going to be instant noodles this time," I reassured him, smiling and going into the kitchen. "Thanks, Gee, see you in a bit," He announced, going upstairs and disappearing.

I started to cook alfredo fettuccine, having years to perfect my technique as I cooked the chicken all the way through, the boiling water cooking the noodles on the back burner. I seasoned it a little, putting it off to the side and cutting it into semi-small pieces as the sauce simmered and thickened. I tapped on the counter as I waited for the noodles, feeling arms come around my waist.

"Now I'm clean and starving," Frank whispered in my ear, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. "Wait a few more minutes, okay? While you wait, you can taste the sauce though," I told him, feeling his lips press up briefly against my neck before the lack of warmth set in from around my waist. I don't want to be clingy, but I missed his arms being around me, it was so warm.

"Hey, this is pretty good," Frank exclaimed behind me as I took the pan of noodles to the sink to drain them. I smiled at him, seeing him smile back at me as I drained the water from the noodles. "Almost done," I whispered, putting the sauce a little closer to the sink as I poured the noodles into the skillet, putting the chicken in, and mixing it up. Frank was still watching me, his gaze fixated on my movements as I worked on presentation, giving him a bowl and seeing his smile.

"You didn't have to go the extra mile for presentation, I already tasted the sauce, I'm just hungry," Frank told me, taking his bowl to the living room and sitting down on the couch. Funny, we had everything in this house except a dining room, but I wasn't complaining much since it was spacious here without it. "Well, I never get the chance to show off my skills, ya know? The last time I did get to show off my presentation skills on food was for the "afterparty" of my little brother's eternity bond," I informed him, seeing him chuckle and take a bite.

"Whoa..." Frank whispered, his mouth full as he looked at me, but he looked adorable. I smiled and took a bite, grabbing the remote and feeling Frank's hand grab mine. "This is amazing, why don't you cook more?!" He asked with amazement, to which I chuckled and nodded. "I can, I just have no use for it in heaven," I told him, blushing a little and taking my hand back to turn the TV on. "Well, until you finish your stuff here, you can... Show off your delicious skills a little bit," Frank whispered hopefully, to which I nodded and kissed his forehead. "If you'd like," I whispered back, seeing his smile and feeling him shaking with excitement.

"Oh, Gee... Could you teach me how to work the TV?" Frank asked quietly, looking at the remote in my hand and then to my, most likely, surprised face. "We've been here for months, you know how to work a phone and a laptop, but you never figured out the TV?" I asked, seeing him nod slightly and laugh at my face that had deepened in surprise until I joined him in laughing. "You dork," I whispered, briefly explaining the controls as I went, pressing play on one of Frank's supposedly favorite movies. Edward Scissorhands.

"Why is this one of your favorites?" I asked, looking over at Frank and seeing him with the fork in his mouth. "Mmm, 'cause Edward is so misunderstood. He's just now getting into- wait, you haven't watched this, have you?" He asked suddenly, which made me realize that he was trying to not spoil it. "Um, no, I haven't," I answered honestly, taking another bite of my alfredo as I listened to the intro, Frank's giggling next to ear as well. "Just wait until after the movie, then you might see why it's my favorite. I only discovered this 2 weeks ago, and I've watched it over 15 times," He whispered, to which I nodded and sat through the weird intro.

"Oh- Joyce is a little bit of a slut so it's gonna get weird in the middle," Frank explained, though I knew those kinds of characters, realizing what he said. "Did you just call a fictional character a slut?" I asked, seeing his eyes widen as he was about to take another bite of his alfredo. "Oh um, would you prefer me to use whore or hoe? I don't know- you'll see why, I promise," Frank frantically explained, trying to quit shaking. "Hey, Frank, don't worry, I was just a little concerned. If it's justified, I guess I'll have to watch and see," I told him, seeing him physically relax.

I twirled the noodles onto my fork as I watched, feeling Frank's hand brush my leg every once and a while when he would finish with his fork. I set my hand on top of his when this happened, only doing so every 5 instances. Yes, I was paying attention to the movie, but I was still kind of keeping track. It felt nice, just sitting here and eating with Frank, having tiny bits of intimacy and blushing because of it. It was like the movies we watched, except I got to experience it first hand. And if anyone were to ask, it was amazing having someone by your side. Especially someone like Frank.

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