5. Emotional Turmoil

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Gerard's POV

I woke up slowly, rubbing my eyes and sitting up, sighing a little as I took my water off my bedside table and downed it. I swung my legs off the bed, stretching a little and trying to wake up a bit more. I got off my bed, went into the bathroom, and sighed. It was still a mess, and it had only been one week since I had originally made Frank clean it. He was still molting! I started brushing my teeth, looking in the mirror, and fixing my hair. The mess was really starting to bother me, I know I pretended like it didn't, but it seriously did. Downstairs looked like we had 10 kids trash it, all except the bathroom, and then our bathroom was just covered in feathers.

I spat out the excess toothpaste, rinsing it out and putting my toothbrush back as I sighed. It was a huge mess, and I was half tempted to clean it up. "Frank?" I shouted, waiting for a response and receiving nothing. I smiled and grabbed the broom from the hall closet. Maybe if Frank saw that everything was clean, he would be the one that would be pissed.

I swept the bathroom, organized the sinks, and... Attempted to unclog the shower drain, but in my defense, about half of that, excuse my language, motherfucker's feathers were down the drain. I went downstairs and sighed. How can one person make a mess throughout the entire house! I looked around, starting with the food that was left out. Boxes, bags, and... Instant Ramen cups, all thrown away and leaving the mess of some unknown juice spill and chips that were hidden under the mess.

My fucking chips!

I groaned and proceeded to clean off the mess with a wet rag, deciding that I'd hide my chips next time. I had one hell of a time cleaning up what I think was whipped cream, but I seriously wondered how it got all over the counter. What the hell was he doing with the whipped cream?! I considered a hidden pantry in my room, making a list of what I needed. Then I wouldn't have to come out of my room to this.

As I got to sweeping, I heard the door open, my wings perking in defense and looking towards the door. "Why do you... Have a broom?" Frank asked slowly, shutting the door behind him. He barely got to the kitchen, looking at the clean counters as I semi-confidently stood there. "Where-" He started, cutting himself off and moving around sporadically and then facing me. "Where is my monster?!" He shouted, looking a tad bit angry. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure that demons have no emotions.

"You've been keeping a monster in our house?!" I asked, louder than I actually meant to. Oh shit, heaven forgive me. "My energy drink, you prick! I need fucking energy for God's sake, this shithole of a body won't produce any!" Frank shouted at me, though I was the one who was getting mad now. "Don't you dare use his name, you- you... You rodent!" I shouted back, though I really hope it's a myth that father can hear me. It's not like we're not allowed to cuss, it's just kind of frowned upon because humans have made these words out to be bad; use them wisely. "Ugh! I'm calling HR!" I shouted, grabbing my handy dandy phone out of my pocket and trying to dial the number.

"I've already tried, you're stuck with me, beanpole," Frank mumbled, wiping his eyes and frowning at me. That wasn't normal, it would usually be a sarcastic smile, a smirk; I've never seen him frown before. I felt like I stuttered backward, but I knew I was still in place, holding this intense eye contact where I could see his eyes were red under his waterline. "I'm gonna shower in the guest bathroom, the one that doesn't have feathers clogging the drain," I announced, seeing that it quickly ticked him off. He turned and ran up the stairs, which sounded pretty angry. Now that couldn't be mistaken.

I pulled myself into the bathroom, sighing as I turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up. I decided to grab some clothes just in case, seeing as it would be weird having to walk upstairs naked; not to mention Frank could be making messes all around again. As I grabbed a shirt, underwear, and a pair of shorts, I didn't have an assignment for the rest of the day and I planned to relax. As I exited my room, I was nearly rammed into the frame of my door as Frank pulled on his jacket and got to the stairs before I could, but he briefly turned around. "Fuck you," He spat as he ran down the stairs.

"Well, do it yourself, hm," I whispered, hearing a door slam. I sighed and went to the guest bathroom, stripping my clothes off and running myself under the hot water. I ran my hand through my hair, getting it wet now and frowning as I thought back to Frank. His eyes- demons weren't supposed to cry, but he was upset and looked like he was crying when he was leaving. Ugh, screw my feelings for caring.

I looked over at the door, moving around and washing my wings. The only thing I was advised when taking a shower was to be careful with my wings, act like I was in a birdbath. Honestly, I felt stupid as I showered, seeing as I could only face my wings under the water for a few minutes before I had to wash my hair. I sighed and grabbed the shampoo, lathering up my hair and trying to wash the grease out. Or that's what it felt like.

I'd have to look up how long a human can go without showering because this vessel has this weird stench. I've showered once, and now twice, but it seriously smelled. I got out of the shower, sighing and trying my best to dry off. I was still concerned for Frank, but I knew he was old enough to take care of himself. Hopefully.

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