34: Prank #1

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[A/N] Thinking about having the next chapter be from Aaron's point of view. Post your reactions/opinions HERE:

Song for this chapter is No Control by One Direction because no one has any control in this update lol you'll see... :)

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"Okay, so my plan is to squirt a whole bunch of ketchup into their lockers," Charlie laughs. "Zander, Ty, and Spencer's lockers still have those homecoming name tags taped on them, so they should be easy to find."

"There's got to be something better we can do than just that," Luke remarks, pondering.

Shay along with the 4 Days to Jupiter gang and I stand near the water fountain, trying to think of something to  prank back Zander's band. We haven't even started pranking them yet, and we are already all out of ideas. Even Google couldn't help us out all that much.

"Let's just egg their cars. It's simple, easy, and does the trick," Shay reasons, leaning her head on Luke's shoulder.

"Yeah, but doing that isn't as damaging as ruining my bass," Charlie argues. "Do you realize how expensive it was to replace it?"

"Charlie, calm down," Aaron says, laying a hand on his shoulder. "Why don't we just crack his windshield? That'll cost just as much to replace."

"How about slashing his tires while we're at it," I suggest. "I have a pocket knife."

"Why in the world would you bring that to school?" Al asks, giving me a funny look as he adjusts his baseball cap.

"Two words: self defense. Want to test me?" I tease, pulling it out from my purse.

"No thanks," he replies in a weak and nervous voice, hiding behind Aaron.

"Okay then, it's a plan, let's go," Aaron says, gently pulling the weapon from my hand and leading the way.

We all walk to the parking lot, tucking our hands into our winter coat pockets. The wind is blowing only a bit, but it feels like is 2 degrees out. A shiny Porsche is parked at the very edge of the gum-stained lot, it's license plate reading "ZanMan." 

I roll my eyes. His car reeks of cockiness, and he's not even in it.

"One tire for each band member?" Luke suggests, tugging his beanie further over his head.

"Shay and I will get the windshield," I add, running it by the others. They're all too focused on fighting over my pocket knife, so I drag Shay over to the edge of the soccer field to find a nice rock.

"This is also crazy, what if we get caught?" Shay worries, looking at me nervously.

"Relax, it'll be fine. If worst comes to worst, I'll take the blame. I got your back, don't worry." I pick up a nice, sharp rock and twirl it between my fingers. "This one looks good, let's put it to the test."

We walk back over to Zander's car, and I throw it at the windshield as hard as I can. Apparently, I'm not that strong because it bounces off the glass without leaving a single scratch. The rock hits Luke, who's crouched over the tire. 

"What the hell, Callie?!" he yells, clutching his head. "That fucking hurt."

"Oops," I smirk. "Sorry."

The string bean grumbles to himself and goes back to punching holes in the front tire. Good thing Shay was distracted by a bee because she didn't see a thing. I watch her as she squeals and runs away from it. What in the world is a bee doing out here in December, anyway? Mother Nature has got her days mixed up.

Huffing, I pull out my keys out of my backpack. I etch a nice, large "X" across the hood of the vehicle. Try buffing that out, Zander.

"Okay, my job here is done," I announce proudly.

"What a nice drawing," Al laughs, pointing at my shaky "X" and taking a selfie with it.

"Nice hair. Oh wait, you don't have any," I shoot back.

His face drops, his hand hitting his heart. "That's a sensitive topic," he pouts, putting Charlie between us.

"Cal, apologize," Charlie demands with the roll of his eyes .

I sigh, realizing that I might have gone a step too far. "Okay, sorry, Al, for insulting your hair," I genuinely say.

"Apology accepted," the boy replies, smiling triumphantly.

"So now that this peer mediation session is over," Luke interrupts. "I'm leaving. See you all tomorrow."

"Bye, guys!" Shay exclaims, wrapping her arm around Luke's waist and letting him lead her away. I watch them leave, almost puking when I see Luke kiss her forehead. Ew. Ew. Ew.

"I'm heading home. The Eagles are playing the Patriots tonight," Al adds. "Bye."

"I'm bailing, too. I have to babysit my sister for my parents," Charlie peeps, clapping me on the shoulder and ruffling my hair. "See ya, Cal."

"Bye to you, too," I reply, fixing my hair.

Suddenly, there are only two of us left.

"You're feisty today," Aaron notes, taking my hand and leading me to his car. "Your hands are cold again, too."

"Okay, and?"

He plants a kiss on my cheek before open the passenger door for me. "See, feisty. I love it."

I shrug. "I'm just being myself."

I watch him round the front of these and hop in on his side. "Good. I like you being you."

I inch away from him, suspicious of his intentions. "You're being weird, is it the pocket knife thing that freaked you out? Hey, speaking of, where is it?"

He pulls out the harmless trinket and hands it over. "I'm not being weird."

"Okay, whatever you say," I shrug, giving up as I look out the window.

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[A/N] This was one of my favorite chapters to write. Hope it was fun to read, too. OMG I LOVE YOU ALL AND I READ ALL YOUR COMMENTS AND YOU ALL MAKE ME LAUGH!

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