43: Midnight

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[A/N] Song for this chapter is Style by Taylor Swift.

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"What do you mean?" Shay asks, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

I explain to her how Aaron and I pranked Zander and his girlfriend by making it seem like he was cheating on Karissa. "Karissa was probably mad enough to do the same thing back at us," I explain.

"Oh," Shay realizes, "that makes sense."

I wipe off her make-up with a wet washcloth as we both sit in silence. After I'm done, I gently push her out of the bathroom and down the stairs. "Go get your man back," I instruct her.

Shay laughs, giving me a hug. "This is why you're my best friend."

I wait until I hear the front door slam shut before peaking through the curtains covering the front window. I spot Shay and Luke illuminated by the street light, talking on the sidewalk next to his car. I smile to myself; it looks like I just solved another problem. I let the blue curtain fall back into place before heading downstairs, where the rest of the guys are.

"Hey, you're back just in time to do a couple of shots," Al yells, pouring some kind of alcohol into a bunch of shot glasses. Aaron and Charlie have their eyes glued to the New Year's show broadcasting on TV.

"But it's not even close to midnight," I say, checking my phone. It's only fifteen minutes after ten.

"Who cares," Al laughs.

"But your mom--"

"Doesn't care as long as we all crash here for the night."

I sigh, sitting down next to Aaron on the sofa. "Alright, everyone, bottoms up!" Al exclaims.

We all pick up a glass and clink them together before downing the liquid. I wince when it goes down my throat; it burns and simply tastes horrible.

Aaron laughs at my reaction. "Burns, doesn't it?"

"Hmm, yeah," I reply, resting my head on his shoulder. Aaron wraps his arm around my back, letting his hand rest on the skin above my hip bone.

We all sit in a comfortable silence though the TV is blasting Dick Clark's Rockin New Year's Eve. "Oh my gosh!" I gasp, "Harry Styles is on TV. Everyone be quiet!"

I snatch the remote from Charlie's hand and crank up the volume.

"Since when have you been a fan of him?" Al asks.

"Shh!" I reply, intently watching the screen. I try my hardest to contain my fangirling, but it's easier said then done. I accidentally squeal every time Harry sings.

"Thank God that's over," Charlie laughs as the show switches to a commercial break.

I take a pillow off the couch and throw it at his head. "Don't you dare disrespect him."

"Callie, good Lord, I was talking about your ear-splitting squeals, not Harry Styles," he replies.

I take the pillow back and throw it at his head again for the fun of it. Charlie places it under his butt, ending our mini battle.

"Aaron, I have never heard your girlfriend become so territorial over someone. Don't you wish she was like that for you?" Al jokes.

Since I'm don't have a pillow, I slap the back of Al's head with my bare hand instead. "Ow," he complains. "Alright, I take that back."

"I promised my girl that I'd find a way for her to meet Harry Styles when our band is rich and famous," Aaron adds.

"You did?" I gasp.

"Yup, just now," he smiles.

"And you guys are going to make a career out of your band, too?"

"That's the plan," Aaron replies.

"I'll be at every one of your gigs," I mumble into his ear. "I promise."

I hear a two sets of footsteps thud as they head down the stairs. From around the corner, Luke and Shay appear hand-in-hand. I can't help but notice how disheveled they both look. Luke's hair is really messy while Shay has her lipstick smeared a bit on her cheek.

"Well, well, well, that explains why you guys were gone for so long," Al laughs as Shay turns beet red. "Care for a drink?"

Luke cracks open a beer while Shay downs a shot. Luke surprisingly sits down next to me and pulls his girlfriend onto his lap. "Did we miss anything?" Shay asks.

"Just Callie fangirling about Harry Styles, that's all," Charlie says, chuckling.

"Wait, did I miss their performance? Darn it!" Shay pouts, leaning into Luke. "What song did he sing, Callie?"

So for the next hour, we talk about Harry Styles. No one really seems to mind because the guys got together to do a bunch of shots.

"Get ready, guys, it's almost midnight!" Charlie slurs, shoving shot glasses into our hands. Shay and I stand with the band and loudly count down with the TV. When the clock strikes midnight and the ball drops in New York City, Aaron and I share a sloppy kiss that might just be the best one we ever shared. After that, I clink glasses with Charlie and toss it back.

I have a feeling that this new year will be the best one of my life.

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[A/N] thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also, I entered Homeroom into the 2015 Watty's. If you want to vote for it, please do!

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