41: Mini Concert & More

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[A/N] Song for this chapter is 18 by 5SOS. Can you tell how big of a fan I am of them by now?

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I stand next to Shay as I watch the sight unfold in front of me. Aaron's eyes connect with mine as he bangs his drumsticks together four times. And that's when Charlie, Al, and Luke begin strumming on their guitars.

"This is a song we like to call 'Like This'," Luke says into the microphone, looking down at his fingers as he strums his guitar.

Shay cheers loudly, earning a few judging looks from our peers. She doesn't pay any mind to it though, but Luke laughs to himself before he starts singing.

"It would take more hands than just two," he sings, "to count the times I'm thankful for you."

Luke finishes out his line, and Charlie continues the next one. I'm shocked by how much his voice improved over two months.

Al, Charlie, and Luke sing the chorus together, and I watch the crowd sway to the beat.

As they sing the rest of the song, my eyes land on Aaron. He drums in smooth movements, beating the instrument like a pro. He head bangs to the beat, lost in the music.

The song reaches its climax and slows down at the end when Luke sing in a surprisingly fantastic falsetto. Shay screams like an idiot when the song ends, and Luke laughs into the mic. I clap crazily along with the rest of the crowd.

Aaron rises from his stool and high-fives his bandmates before taking the microphone off the stand. "Hey, guys. We're 4 Days to Jupiter and you can catch another performance at the Battle of the Bands competition on March 7. Come out and support us, thank you!"

Another round of applause follows his small speech, and the guys ask some people to help take their equipment back downstairs. Everyone takes a small piece and heads downstairs with it. "I'll take that," Aaron says as he plucks the mic stand from my grasp.

I smile up at him, pecking his lips. "You did really well out there. Did you write that song?"

"We all sort of did, but Charlie put the most work into it," he shouts over the music blasting as we head down the stairs behind the rest of the volunteers.

Once we get down there, Al is already shouting at people to hurry up so we can all play Spin the Bottle. Charlie is also yelling at the helpers to be careful with the equipment. I find a spot on the ground while Aaron re-assembles his drum kit behind me. Shay joins me, accidentally ponytail whacking me in the process.

"Did you sober up yet?" I ask her, laughing at her sluggish movements.

"Hmm," she mumbles, eyes focused on the other side of the room. "Look, some boy is staring at you. He's cute, look!"

Shay points across the circle to none other than Aaron. He waves at me, dimples digging into his reddened cheeks. He just looks just absolutely kissable. I smile back, shaking my head at him. A couple months ago, I would have never expected to be dating that annoying boy over there. But in reality, he was caring and compassionate the entire time, I just chose to ignore all the signs.

"Can I spin first?" I ask to no one in particular as I down last bit of beer in the bottle and place it in the middle of the circle.

"Yeah, go ahead, Callie," Al replies, stealing his hat back from the girl next to him.

I get a good grip of the glass bottle and spin it as hard as I can. A couple of people cheer as it slows down and lands on...


A few people laugh, and Charlie turns beat red, looking at Aaron for support. Taking matters into my own hands, I turn the bottle so it's pointing at Aaron. Smirking in accomplishment, I crawl over to Aaron and push him onto the carpeted floor with the tip of my finger. A sense of déjà vu crashes over me like a wave when my hair creates a curtain around our faces. I lean in and come closer and closer to Aaron's lips.

"Round two?" I ask, eagerly licking my bottom lip.

I feel his hands rest above my hip, right where a strip of my skin is sticking out from under my shirt. "Bring it on," he chuckles.

Our lips meet as Aaron pulls me closer to him, our chests touching. Electricity pulses between us as our kiss heats up. I run my fingers through his hair as he slips his tongue into my mouth. I feel complete, whole, and unbelievably happy.

"Alright, break it up," one of the girls groans.

I make sure to peck Aaron's lips a couple of times before giving in and climbing off of him. I decide not to leave his side when he sits up, and I lean into him as I watch the bottle go around again.

And in this exact moment of time, I have an overwhelming need to tell him something I haven't said in a while.

"I love you," I whisper into his ear, nervous yet somehow excited.

"I love you too, babe," Aaron replies with a giant smile, kissing my cheek, "more than I ever thought was possible."

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[A/N] Really hoping I wrote this scene well. I'm going on 16 and still hadn't had my first kiss, so forgive me if it isn't perfect. PS: I LOVE YOU ALL! Comment your reactions and stuff, I love reading what you all have to say ;) PPS: Thanks for reading and voting, I never though Homeroom would be this popular :)

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