56: Battle of the Bands (Part 1)

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[A/N] Dude, I can't believe this chapter is finally here. Buckle your seat belts, friends :)

PS: And this chapter is split into 2 parts.

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Today, according to my planner, is March 7. Today, according to Aaron, Luke, Charlie, and Al, is also the day of the Battle of the Bands competition.

"Don't forgot your bandanna, babe," I tell Aaron as we lug the last of his drum set up from his basement and into the back of Charlie's pick-up truck.

"Ooh, you're right," he replies, pulling it out from his pocket and tying it on. His shaggy hair is pushed back a bit so his hazel eyes shine bright. I smile as a warm feeling grows in my stomach; I love him.

Shay, the band, and I squeeze into Charlie's truck and head to the school. According to the program we stole from the music room earlier today, we perform second to last, right before a band called Iota Bass. Zander plays first.

"Wow, it looks cool in here," Al says as two strobe lights on the simple, rectangular stage sway back and forth. On the walls, balloons, streamers, and light bulbs strung on wires wrap around the walls to create light. Everyone in the crowded gym is wearing glow sticks around their necks and wrists as giant, industrial fans attempt to cool the hot air.

"We all have to meet back here towards the end so we don't miss our cue to go onstage," Charlie says. "And maybe we could use a bit of extra practice. You know that one part that goes--"

"Charlie, chill out. We're prepared, and we're going to do great," Luke interrupts, slinging his arm around Shay's shoulders. "Now, if you'll excuse me, my lady and I are going to go dance."

"Yeah, I'm going to crash the dessert bar," Al adds, dragging Charlie with him by the back of this shirt. "Bye!"

"Let's go sit," I suggest, wrapping my arm around his waist.

"I'll go get us some punch, go find us a seat," Aaron suggests, winking. I press a quick peck on his cheek and turn around, looking for a decent spot on the bleachers.

I march up the bleachers and sit in the center where it's empty, watching the crowd by the stage dance to pop music. Aaron finds me soon enough, right as the music teacher hops onstage.

"Welcome students, to the Battle of the Bands!" Everyone cheers loudly, and Aaron starts banging on the metal bleachers. "We have eight bands today competing for the ultimate prize: a highlight in the local newspaper and the glorious title of being the best band around town! After all the bands perform, fill out a sheet by the basketball nets to vote for your favorite. We will tally up the votes and declare a winner at the end. So, who's ready to listen to some great music?"

The crowd yells and screams wildly.

"Alright, ZanMan and the Administration is up first!"

"What a horrible name for a band," Aaron comments, rolling his eyes as everyone cheers again.

"I know," I nod, agreeing.

Zander and his two bandmates run onstage, pulling on their guitars and adjusting the mic stands. Zander taps on the mic, laughing as it screeches a bit. "Hey, guys. We're ZanMan and the Admin. We'll be playing a song for you called Like This, hope you like it."

"What!?" Aaron screeches, mouth dropping.

"What? What's wrong? Hey, say something," I beg, confused. A bad feeling settles in the pit of my stomach.

"That's our song. We wrote that song. How in the world did they get it?" Aaron spits out, eyebrows furrowing as they play the opening chords.

"Oh my God," I gasp, "that's horrible! Where's Charlie and Al and Luke?" I whip out my phone and call Charlie. He picks up automatically.

"They're playing our song. They stole it! Callie, put Aaron on the phone."

I hand my phone to Aaron and he takes it, glaring at the people on stage. "Dude, where are you?.... Get to the bleachers, we're in dead the middle. Bring they rest of the guys with you, too.... I know, they are con-artists, seriously... okay, bye."

I scan the crowd for the boys as Aaron hands me my phone back. After a couple of seconds, I spot them rushing through the crowd, dodging people. I wave wildly, and Charlie spots us, marching onto the bleachers in a rush. He almost trips on his untied shoelace but manages to stay on his feet.

"They stole our song, they stole our song, THEY FUCKING STOLE OUR SONG!" Charlie screams, fuming.

"This is some sick prank," Luke adds, shaking his head. "They need to pay for this one."

"Bastards!" Al yells, throwing his empty plastic cup with as much power as he can muster. It hits the bench and falls onto one of the long, wood planks.

"So what do we do now?" Shay asks sadly, leaning into Luke with a frown on her face.

"We continue as planned," I say, turning to Aaron. "Whatever song you guys wanted to perform, well, channel your anger through it. Outshine them so the crowd forgets Zander and his nincompoops ever existed, I guess. "

"Wow, what a brilliant speech. We should give you the Nobel Peace Prize for having that stroke of genius," Luke sarcastically says.

"Dude, don't get mad at me, I didn't steal your song."

"You're such a--"

"Don't finish that thought," Aaron interrupts. "Anyway, guys, Callie's right. Let's just play our hardest and have fun performing."

Everyone nods, agreeing with the wisest member of 4 Days to Jupiter. The boys will have to focus on the moment, perform well, and take care of Zander's antics later.

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[A/N] I didn't have that plot twist planned at all. I literally just thought of it and wrote it down. Part 2 is coming next Friday :)

PS: Don't forget to vote and comment :)

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