54: Promote Squad

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"Attention all students," a voice says through the loudspeaker. I stop putting my books in my locker and focus on hearing the message. "Listen up. 4 Days to Jupiter is performing at the Battle of the Bands competition in a couple short weeks. Be there and support the best band in the school."

The loudspeaker cuts off, and I knowingly gaze at the tall, blond-haired boy holding my stack of homework. "Al is something else."

"He's doing his part, which is fantastic considering he can't even throw out his own trash at lunch."

I giggle into my hand, admiring my humorous boyfriend. I had a crush on him ever since he asked to borrow my pencil in ninth grade, and I can't believe that my feelings for him are finally being reciprocated.

"So," Luke draws out, biting on his pink lip. "I was thinking maybe we could cut class and head to the Lookout."

The Lookout is a spot on one of the mountains outside of town that has a beautiful view of the city below. It's also known to be a good hook-up spot. "Someone's all about breaking the rules."

He smirks, blue eyes glowing. "Absolutely. So, is that a yes?"

I smile to myself, turning away from him and closing my locker door shut. I've cut class in the past and never got caught, there's no reason why I can't pull it off again. "Sure, Lukey, I'll go."

"Don't call me that," he pouts. "You know I hate it."

"That's why I use it," I reply, walking right up to him and kissing him on the cheek. We walk out of the school building, holding hands and acting natural. Once we make it outside, we run to his car and hop in.

"We're such rebels," Luke teases, starting up the BMW.

"Yeah, rebel is my middle name."

"Rebel isn't a name," he argues, backing out of the parking space.

"Are you going to tell that to Rebel Wilson?"

"Okay, point proven."

We drive to the mountain, the roads getting steeper once we reach the north part of town. The woods become denser as we climb farther up, and soon, it's just a road and loads of trees. We round a corner and the lookout comes into view. Luke parks right up against the guard rail, and shuts off the car.

"It's really nice up here," I say, looking at the city below us. Everything is still and quiet, as if we're the only people in the entire world.

"Yes, the view is great," Luke says, stating at my face as he bites on his lip.

"I'm talking about the scenery right outside of your windshield."

"Well, I'm talking about you."

I blush, looking anywhere but at him.

"You're cute when you get red like that."

That comment only makes me blush harder.

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"Where in the world are Luke and Shay? I thought we had a plan to hang up all the flyer together today," I say to three of the four members of the band.

"Knowing Luke, he probably forgot. He can barely remember what day of the week it is," Al replies, picking at the nail polish on his fingers.

"Yeah, let's just get this done without them," Charlie adds, yawning.

"Alright, everyone take a stack and throw them everywhere you possibly can. Slide them under teacher's doors, in lockers, in the water fountains, and wherever else they can fit. Tape a couple to the walls, too," I say, passing out stacks of the green paper.

"Al and I will get the top floor, and you both can get the ground floor," Charlie says.

"Sweet, thanks for helping." I watch them run up the stairs to place flyers in every nook and cranny they can find.

"And then there were two," Aaron deviously says, eyes widening as a grin appears on his face.

"C'mon, let's hang these up." We walk down the stairs and start slipping the sheets in lockers through the vent holes. While I go, I tape a couple flyers on the walls. The work isn't all that entertaining, but if it helps 4 Days to Jupiter win, then it's worth it.

"Knock knock," Aaron randomly says. I know he's going to tell a joke that's not funny at all.

"Come in," I reply, waiting for his reaction.

His face falls as he purses his lips, squinting at me. "That's not fair, you're supposed to say 'who's there?' "

"I know who's there, you are."

Aaron shakes his head. "You're no fun."

"So I've be told."

We keep heading down the halls, putting papers everywhere until we run out. By that time, the sun is low in the sky, and my stomach is growling.

"Yay, we finished!" Aaron exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.

"Now let's go eat."

"Can I get a kiss first?" Aaron suggests, singing the words.

I gasp, eyes widening. "Holy fuck, you can sing! Why haven't I heard you sing before?"

He shrugs. "I don't know, I guess I'm a bit shy about it."

"But you have such a beautiful voice. You should use it more!"

He rolls his eyes at me, press a gentle kiss to the top of my head. "Maybe one day."

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[A/N] OTRA WAS SO MUCH FUN! I sang to every song and literally sounded like a dying whale lol! It was my first concert, so I'm really happy :)

PS: thank you for loving Homeroom! Don't forget to comment and vote, I'm watching you ;)

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