15: The Thumb and Pointer Finger

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[A/N] Song for this chapter: Good Girls by 5 Seconds of Summer.

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"Callie," he lets out, shaking his head. A couple of his waves spill over his bandanna. "Don't."

I know he's referring to Zander, but why? He's not the bad guy, Luke and Aaron are.

I glare at him and fill up my cup from the tap for myself. Don't? Don't? First he has the nerve to use me, and then he thinks he can tell me what to do? That's messed up.

"That's not even what happened! Can't we just talk this over some place quieter?" he pleads.

Woah, did I just say that out loud? Oops...

I groan, pressing the glass to my lips and taking a swig. Should I hear his case? He has been extremely persistent... maybe that means there's some truth to what he's saying?

"Hey, Callie, right?" a smooth voice asks. 

I turn to watch in awe as Zander saunters over to me. I'm so distracted by his every move that I forget that there's water in my mouth. I choke on my drink, almost spitting in all out onto the floor. 

"You okay?" he asks, patting me on the back.

I start coughing even more when I realize that he's actually touching me. Wow, this day just keeps getting better and better!

"Get your hands off of her," Aaron angrily says.

"Dude, chill out. I was just helping her out," he replies calmly, dropping his hand from my back.

My coughing fit finally seizes, and I take a couple of deep breathes before defending the attractive boy next to me. "Aaron, just stop," I tiredly let out, "We'll talk later, okay?"

"No, you don't understand," he rushes, "He's just trying to get--"

"We'll see you later," Zander cuts in, staring at him with slightly narrowed eyes.

I feel like I'm missing something but I don't know exactly what that could be.

Zander wraps a toned arm around my hips and drags me out of the kitchen and into the craziness of the living room. I take a final glance at Aaron, who has a worried expression on his face, and force myself to ignore him.

The mass of people seemed to have multiplied in the small amount of time that I was away. It's so crowded in the living room that I can smell the perfumes and colognes mixing together to create a cloud of synthetic scents. Zander releases his hold on my waist, and instead, intertwines his fingers with mine. He winks at me, and as if on cue, a smile forms on my lips.

He leads me out of the crowd with a reassuring squeeze of my hand and down the steps to what I'm assuming is the basement.

Luckily, it's much quieter down here, and there are only a few people are scattered around. A handful of people are sitting on the ground in a circle with a bottle in the center. 

"Want to play?" Zander asks.

I nod. Spin the Bottle is one of my favorite party games. We both sit criss-cross on the ground, filling in the small gap n the circle.

"Glad you could make it, Edwards. Looks like you brought a good-looking trophy to share with us," the boy wearing a soccer jersey says, eyeing me.

I glare at the stocky, blond-haired boy, fuming as I spit out, "Y--"

"Keep your eyes from wandering, Rob. If you don't your girlfriend just might beat you up again," a southern voice booms over me.

Rob glares at Aaron while all the boys in the circle laugh. A couple of the girls, including myself, uncomfortably shift in their places because the tension between the both of them seems to run deeper than a petty insult. Aaron walks around the outer edge of the circle, squeezing to sit between a two brunettes. We both make eye contact, and he ever so slightly shakes his head.

What in the world is so wrong about wanting to hang out with Zander? Also, why is he following me? I think Aaron is the one who is starting to lose his marbles, and it's showing.

"Okay, let's start!" the brown haired girl on Aaron's right exclaims. She bends over to reach for the glass bottle, getting a good grip on it before spinning it. Everyone cheers as the bottle spins around and around until it slows down to land on Zander.

The girl, and I kid you not, pounces on him, knocking him over so she's making out on top him. My upper lip raises in disgust as I watch them have a make-out session. I force myself to resist the urge to gag because I really don't want to look like an idiot in front of these people.

"Okay, you two, break it up! You're minute is up, it's my turn now," Aaron says.

The girl groans and rolls off of Zander. She crawls back to her seat on the floor as Zander pushes himself up off the ground, smiling widely. I stare at him in disbelief; I can't believe he actually enjoyed that.

"You got a bit of lipstick on your face," I say, watching him with wide eyes.

He rubs his lips with the back of his hand, the red compound staining his hand. "Oh, thanks."

"Sure," I reply, shaking my head and turning my attention to Aaron. He watches me for a couple of seconds before sending me one of those "I told you so" looks.

Aaron rubs his hands together, earning a few scattered laughs, and spins the bottle with as much force as he can. It rapidly spins, and spins, and spins, and spins before finally starting to slow down. It passes me and slowly makes it's way around the rest of the circle. When it finally stops, I realize that the neck of the bottle is pointing directly at me.

Oh no, this CANNOT actually be happening.

"Pucker up, Callie," Zander laughs. 

I'm sure he noticed the horrified expression on my face. "Shut up," I reply, gaining my composure quickly.

I look directly across from me, making eye contact with Aaron. He shrugs as a minuscule smile forms on his face, but I know that he's overjoyed on the inside. I sigh, rolling my eyes at all the people around us that are chanting his name. We both crawl over to each other, and we meet in the middle of the circle.

I clearly hear his quiet voice ring out above the chaos. "You ready?"

I glance at his lips, then back at his eyes. "As ready as I'll ever be. Let's just get this over with."

He slowly takes my chin between his thumb and pointer finger, inching his lips closer and closer to mine. My heart beats erratically in my chest, the sweet smell of his cologne filling my nose. His smooth lips press against mine as the tension between us reaches its climax.

Nothing else in the world seems to matter as his soft, velvety lips move against mine. The intensity between us is so great that I find myself wrapping my arms around his neck to keep myself from passing out.

Aaron must be feeling what I'm feeling, too. His hands find my hips and pull me down on top of his chest. My long, curled hair creates a curtain between us and the crowd as I let myself enjoy the kiss.

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