12: Battle Lines

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[A/N] Song for this chapter: Shower by Becky G. This song is actually the complete opposite of the drama that unfolds, but it's so catchy!

PLEASE NOTE that updates will always be once a week, mostly posted on Sundays. This one is special because I found time/ decided not to study for History... Oops ;)

Oh, and vote please! :) It makes me a very happy :)

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We spent the rest of our day at Barnes & Noble. It was surprisingly enjoyable. I found a romance novel to read while Aaron spent most of his time finding books for his research paper.

We both sat across each other at one of those small tables at the in-store Starbucks once we bought our books. Though it pains me to admit it, I spent most of the time pretending to read while I studied him. I couldn't help but notice that his eyebrows would scrunch up when he focused on the dense text, and he would subconsciously nibble on his bottom lip, too. When he got a bit frustrated, he tugged at the ends of his wavy hair or bit on the end of his smoothie straw.

It was pretty attractive, as much as I would hate to admit it.

"Callie! Wake up, girl!" Shay exclaims, smacking my arm.

I quickly snap out of my daze and force myself to return to reality. Shay looks over at me expectantly from across our little group of four desks. "Sorry, what did you say?" I ask stupidly.

She sighs, flinging a lock of her long, dirty-blonde hair behind her shoulder. "I said that because you can't play in the volleyball games anymore, they let Karissa Johnson take your spot."

I cock my head in confusion; I don't remember her being on the team. The coaches must have held a mini tryout session for my spot. How flattering and disappointing. "Who's that?"

She crossed her arms and huffs, leaning back in her blue, plastic seat. "The girl who's dating Luke."

Wait, what?!

"No, you can't be serious," I state in pure shock.

"I wish I could tell you that I was kidding, I really do," she sincerely adds while my thoughts run wild inside my scattered mind. "But, I can't."

The girl who's half-responsible for my injury was the girl who took my flipping varsity spot on the team?! I fuming and struggling to containing my anger. Luke and Karissa are both going to pay for this one.

The final bell of the day rings and in a mad rush, I gather my belongings and bolt out of the room. I flinging the classroom door open, oblivious to the fact that I could have hit someone walking down the hallway. I plow through the people clogging the halls and march towards my locker, hoping to find my two favorite people waiting for me.

I'm in luck because Karissa is leaning against my locker with a smirk smeared on her face. The ugly grin only deepens once she spots me walking towards her.

"Hey, Callie! Thanks so much for the spot on the team!" she laughs. The hallway is loud, with students talking and banging closed their lockers, but her words ring clear above the noise.

"Shut up!" I yell back, my fingernails pressing into my palms out of anger. Some students must have heard me because people are staring to watch us. A couple of more people glance at me, and suddenly, a small crowd begins to form around the both of us.

She innocently smiles. "Why are you so angry? Did you--"

My fist reaches to collide with her face, but I feel someone grab my arms, forcing them to my sides as I stumble away from her. I struggle against the guy, trying to throw in a punch. 

"Callie, stop! Just calm down!" Aaron yells, pulling me even further away from Kristy or whatever the heck her name is.

I stop fighting him and tear my arms from his grasp, glaring at the horrified girl I want to punch so badly. I rub at the red spots on my arms where Aaron held me, trying to keep my hands busy before I decide to actually knock her out this time.

"Everyone, move out! Show's over," Aaron yells at the crowd, his face turning a light shade of red. All the students scatter at his words, and the hallway becomes barren of people.

Luke appears out of nowhere, running to his girlfriend. "Hey, what happened? Are you alright? She didn't hurt you, did she?"

The over-dramatic girl starts to cry a bit, shoving her face in the crook of Luke's neck. "That crazy girl was about to punch me for no reason."

"No reason?!" I exclaim, infuriated. "You were the one who--"

"Can you please stop harassing my girlfriend?" Luke asks, glaring at me as he presses her closer against his lanky figure. "You're not helping the situation at all."

"What?! She's the one who--"

"Oh," Luke adds, overriding my comeback. "Thank you, Ash, for protecting my girl. I owe you one, dude."

Ashton nods silently, biting on his lower lip.

It doesn't shock he that Luke made a comment like that. What shocks me to my core is that Aaron is siding with Luke on this one. I literally don't even know how to respond to that. 

And, just to think, for a split second, I thought Aaron held me back because he was trying to keep me from creating trouble. But I realize now that I got it all wrong. He wasn't holding me back; he was protecting Karissa and helping Luke out by playing superhero while he was absent.

The joke is on me. Our "friendship" was a mirage; too good to be true and a figment of my imagination.

The room suddenly starts spinning, and I feel sick. I absolutely hate the suffocating feeling being betrayed. This is the very reason why I don't open up to strangers. In the end, I get used every single time.

I'm mad at myself for this one, too. No kidding Aaron would value Luke and his friends over me; clearly, he's been friends with them and knows them better than me.

It's official now: all ties between Aaron and I are officially cut. He drew his battle line, and it's my turn to draw mine. It's time to stop being so gullible and to start being proactive. Aaron has revealed himself as the enemy and not the ally.

I gather my stuff from my locker and march towards the front doors in silence and not in defeat. The battle lines have been drawn, and a war is about to break out soon.

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[A/N] SURPRISE CHAPTER YAS!! :) I blew off my History studying stuff for this and I'm happy about it.

Oh boy, wow you guys are going to be so mad at me for basically sinking the Caaron ship. Oops....

PS: I just though of that shipping name right now and WOW IM A GENIUS!!! :)

Lol vote and comment please? Tell me what you think of my this chapter.

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