50: Moonlight

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[A/N] Song for this chapter is Old Me by 5SOS.

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Aaron arrives exactly 22 minutes later. When he walks in the establishment, he looks a bit disoriented until his eyes land on me. I force a smile and get up from my seat as he approaches. "Hey," he breathes, winded, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," I reply, throwing my trash away and lacing my fingers between his. "Lead the way."

We walk to his car, which is still running, and hop in. Aaron backs out of the parking space while I strap my seatbelt on. I quickly text my dad where I am and put the device on vibrate. I don't want to be bothered by anyone tonight.

I feel Aaron's right hand squeeze my knee, and he moves it up a bit so it rests on my lower thigh. His hand is big, warm, and safe.

"Here we are," he says, pulling into the driveway. We both hop out and run into his home, kicking off our snowy shoes off inside the basement door. His band equipment is scattered around, but it looks like he added a finishing touch to his drum set.

"Duck tape?" I ask, pointing at his black name on his drum.

"Yup, classy, right?" he laughs, pulling me upstairs.

I greet Aaron's parents, who are watching television in the living room, before heading up another stack of stairs. I can't tell if Luke is staying in the guest bedroom since the door is closed.

"So, what's wrong?" he asks, sitting criss-cross on top of the bed.

I mirror his stance so our knees our touching. "My mom is married to the student she had an affair with 10 years ago, and now, she's pregnant!"

His hazel eyes widen. "Woah, wait, are you serious?"

I nod, realizing that I never mentioned why I think my mother is such a horrible person.

"Holy crap," he says, playing with my fingers. He brings them to his lips and kissed each of my finger tips. My heart swells with affection for the sweetest, cutest, silliest boy sitting in front of me.

"Aaron, stop distracting me from my rant," I tease, pulling my hands from his grasp.

He pouts, pulling on the puppy dog face. "I'm not trying to; I'm just showing you that I care about you."

"You can make me happy by listening, please?"

He nods, laying on his bed and resting his hands behind his head. "Go head, continue."

I blink, remembering my train of thought again. "She makes me so mad. Like who even marries a person 13 years younger than them? He was a child when she picked him out. And how is she not in prison for seducing an 18-year-old boy in her high school classes?"

"I don't think that guy sees himself as a victim if he's still with her," Aaron replies.

I bit on my nails, thinking. He's right, I know he is, but this is all still so hard to accept even after all this time passed. Nothing could ever make this sit right with me.

I flop down on my back and lay my head on Aaron's arm, staring at the white ceiling. He pulls me closer into his side so I hear his heart beating steadily.

"This is nice," he says after a while, pressing a sweet kiss to the top of my head. "But I have an idea."

"What is it?"

"If I told you I'd have to kill you, so I'll have to show you instead," he whispers into my ear.

I slap him on the chest and get up. He quickly turns off the lights and opens his window, taking out the screen. He carefully walks onto the ledge and holds out his hand for me. "Come along," he urges with a smile.

"This is so dangerous, I hate you," I say as I grab his hand and exit his house through the window.

It's cold outside, and we both aren't even wearing jackets. We sit side by side and look into the distance. "All I see are a bunch of trees," I complain.

"Don't look across, look up," he says, tilting my chin up. My eyes connect with the giant moon in the sky.

I turn towards him after staring at the night sky for a minute or two. "This is really cute and romantic, Aaron, but my toes are freezing and I'm going to die of hypothermia if--"

"Shh, shh," he says, pressing his finger to my lips. He slowly lowers it as he pushes a piece of hair out of my face before leaning in, his lips grazing mine.

The kiss is sensual and simple, but my heart beats erratically when his hand rest on my hip. When I take a quick breather, he slips his tongue into my mouth. For once in my whole life, I don't worry about the past or the future; I simply just focus on the moment.

"Can we continue this on a softer surface?" I ask when I pull away. "I think a shingle got shoved up my butt."

Aaron giggles as he hops back through the window with athletic finesse and helps me back in. After he closed the window, I immediately tackle him onto the bed and leave a trail of kisses down his neck. Right when I reach the base, he flips us around so he's on top.

"Hey! I was in the middle of something," I complain through a smile, trying to make out his face in the darkness.

"Hmm, well, too bad. I'm pleasing you first," he counters.

Suddenly, a door creeks open, a light flicks on, and I scream. Luke stands in doorway, surprised, before quickly placing a hand over his eyes. "Were you guys getting it on?" he asks, disgusted.

Aaron huffs. "Knock before you enter next time. You're lucky that you interrupted us before any clothes came flying off."

"Okay, well, I just wanted to tell you Al's coming over soon," he says. "Can I open my eyes now?"

"Yes, and we'll be downstairs in a bit," Aaron replies as Luke scampers away.

"Resume at a later time?" I ask, deflated a bit on the inside.

"Is that even a question?"

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[A/N] Don't climb on a roof. I met a woman once who's granddaughter died falling off of one in college. It's sad.

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