Bonus Chapter #1

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[A/N] Idea is a mix of unicornicamitha and tyler-j0seph 's comments.

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"Belgium is the most beautiful place on Earth," I chatter into Aaron's ear, leaning into him as we walk down a street towards the Grand Palace. The buildings around us are ornate and clean, tan and white, making me feel like we time traveled 500 years into the past.

He kisses my temple. "Not as pretty as you, though."

I playfully slap his chest, chuckling. We arrive to our destination, and I gasp in awe as I gaze at the breath-taking scenery. A beautiful pattern created by pink, purple, orange, white, red, and yellow flowers are etched into the green grass in front of sharp, majestic buildings.

"This place is amazing," I tell him, pulling out my phone and snapping a picture.

"I wish they had stuff like this in America," he replies.

"I agree."

We take a few selfies, some silly and some more serious. Aaron takes me to lunch at one of the restaurants overlooking the palace called La Brouette. I feel light and happy as we eat and later kiss in the streets of Brussels.

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I hear a knock on the bathroom door. "Hey, Cal?" Aaron asks.

I open the door just enough to see his face. "Yeah?"

He glances at the towel wrapped around my body. "Wear something nice for dinner, I have a surprise for you."

"Okay," I reply, confused yet also excited. "Can you grab the red dress from my suitcase for me?"

"Yup." He disappears, and a few seconds later, he pushes the silky material in my hand. "Is this the one?"

"Yes, thank you."

I close the door, drying my wet hair before slipping on the dress with a heart cut out of the back. I decide to curl my hair at the ends and wear more make-up than usual to appease his request.

When I exit the bathroom, Aaron's already dressed in a button down shirt and dress slacks. "Well," I smile, approaching my boyfriend, "you look really nice." I step closer to him, inhaling the masculine smell of his cologne. "You even gelled your hair a bit, what's this all about?"

"It's all a surprise. You ready?" he asks as I grab my purse. "You look beautiful, by the way."

"So do you, by the way," I giggle, grabbing his hand. "So, where to?"

"Where to" turns out to be another restaurant, this time called Le Rabassier . It looks like a café on the outside but a sleak, expensive place to eat fancy meals on the inside. I glance at Aaron as we head in with Luke, Shay, Al, and Charlie.

"Hello," the hostess says with a thick accent. "Name please?"


She searches the reservation list, smiling when she spots his name, grabbing a ton of menus. "Right this way, please."

She seats us at a huge table, and after everyone files in, with one empty chair being left at the table. After placing menus in front of us all and the extra, she chirps a few sentences I can't understand and leaves.

"Who's the empty seat for?" I ask Aaron.

"That's also part of the surprise, babe."

I narrow my eyes at him, trying to figure out his cryptic message. He smiles back at me, wrapping his arm around the back of my chair. I turn to Shay. "Do you know what's going on?"

She shakes her head. "Luke won't tell me ei--"

"Hello, lads and ladies," a distinctive British voice says behind me. Shay and I look at each other, eyes widening. We can recognize that voice from anywhere.

We turn around as the one-and-only Harry Styles stand in front of us like an angel sent from heaven above. My jaw drops as I turn to Aaron. "This was the surprise?"

He nods, smirking. "Yup."

I hug him, kissing his cheek. "You're the absolute best."

He laughs as one of the Brit clears his throat. "I hope you didn't forget about my hug," Harry says, running a hand through his short hair. My heart beats astronomically fast when his eyes meet mine.

"Of course not." I wrap my arms around his neck as he hugs me tightly. I let go first, hoping that he didn't feel me shaking in his arms. I sit back down next to Aaron. "You're the best boyfriend ever, Aaron, really."

He rubs my thigh under the table, dimples digging into his cheeks. "I promised you you'd meet him, didn't I?"

"Yes," I beam, clearly remembering that time he promised me that in Al's basement on New Years Eve. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, babe."

We have a nice meal and talk more about the tour. Oddly enough, Harry and Al hit it off really well. I have a hard time comprehending the scene in front of me.

The night grows dark, and we say our goodbyes insides so the paparazzi doesn't bother us. "It was really nice meeting you," I tell him when I give him another hug. 

"The pleasure is mine. I can't wait to hear the band perform tomorrow," Harry replies.

When he exits the restaurant, my mind explores with happiness. I can't believe I just met my idol.

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[A/N] Happy New Year, everyone!

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