58: Finale

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[A/N] I'm so excited for Sounds Good Feels Good omg new music is my aesthetic :)

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"... ZanMan and the Administration!"

My heart drops to the pit of my stomach as the crowd cheers loudly. Aaron looks to his bandmates. All of their mouths are hanging open with shock. Al's fuming and crushes his second plastic cup in his hand.

Zander and his friends run on stage, taking the trophy from the music teacher's hands. Zander holds it high in the air as the crowd cheers louder.

"There's no way that they won," Al seethes. "I'm going to go make this right."

He begins to march down the bleachers, but Luke grabs his arm, stopping him. "Dude, you're just going to make yourself look like an idiot. Don't give 4 Days to Jupiter a bad name by making us look like sore losers."

"But he stole our song!"

"Yeah, and who's going to believe you?" Luke yells back, defeated.

"Guys, cut it out," Aaron interrupts, frowning. "It's not worth it. Let's just go before we do something we'll regret later."

"Yeah, let's just go," Charlie quietly mumbles, walking down the bleachers. "I'm going to go get my bass."

"C'mon, guys," Aaron says, nudging Luke and Al. "Let's go."

Shay grabs Luke's hand, leading him to the gym floor to pack up as Al trails behind them. Aaron and I lag behind them, walking slowly.

"Well, you guys had my vote," I say, trying to lighten the mood.

"Thank, Callie," he replies, still sounding defeated.

I stop in my tracks, staring in his hazel eyes. "Hey, don't be like that. There's going to be more competitions to win in the future, so don't act like the world's over."

"I know."

I pause. "You know I still love you."

His face softens as he intertwines my hand with his, bringing my hand to his lips. He kisses it softly, first on the top and again on the same spot. "I love you, too, babe. I'm just pissed off."

I nod, pressing my cheek against his side and slinging my arm around his waist as we walk again. Zander's speech blasts through the sound system, and I don't even bother to listen to his nonsense. I help Aaron disassemble his drum kit, carrying out each piece and setting it on the bed of Charlie's truck. When I head back in the school, looking for the rest of the guys, I decide that I better go to the bathroom before my bladder explodes.

I head to the girl's locker room, trying the door. It's locked, so I walk a couple steps over and try the guy's locker room. The black door swings open with a groan, so I head in.

I round the corner and immediately recognize the boy washing his hands.

"Lovely seeing you here, Callie," Zander laughs, smiling at me through the mirror.

I glare at him, crossing my arms. "Dude, why did you steal the song, huh?"

"You don't know anything, and right now, it doesn't matter. More importantly, I'm sure you knew you'd find me up here."

My eyebrows furrow, confused. "What are you talking about?"

He dries off his hands, chuckling to himself. Zander turns around, facing me. "This isn't a coincidence. You came looking of me."

I back away from him. "You are psychotic, truly. I just wanted to use the restroom, and women's bathroom was locked. I figured no one was in here, but clearly, I was wrong."

I dart out of the bathroom, running down the hall. I hear heavy, fast-moving footsteps following me. However, the gym is right around the corner, and I decide that it's best to try and lose him in the crowd.

I run back to the gym, searching for the boys. I quickly call Aaron as I move past people, and he picks up on the first ring. "Where are you?" I ask.

"In the gym, looking for you. Where are you?"

"In the gym. Where's everyone else?"

"In Charlie's truck."

"I'll meet you there, okay?"

"Okay, bye."


I make a giant lap in the gym, hoping that I lost Zander. Once I sure he's gone, I jog out of the gym and to the truck. I hop in the back, sitting next to Shay, breathing out a sigh of relief. "Where were you?" she asks.

"Just using the bathroom."

"Oh, okay. Aaron was getting a bit uneasy when he couldn't find you."

"Oh." Well, he was absolutely right to be uneasy.

I watch Aaron run to the truck, squeezing into the back seat next to me. "I thought you got lost."

"How in the world would I get lost in my own school?"

Charlie starts up the truck and pulls out of the parking lot. "I don't know, I just had a bad feeling. You didn't run into any trouble, did you?"

"No trouble at all," I lie.

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[A/N] Homeroom isn't over just yet! Still have about 10 or more chapters left :)

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