59: Pizza

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[A/N] If you guys have problems with copy and paste not working on Windows 10, make sure to use the internet on the desktop and not on the bar at the bottom of your screen. It took me an hour to figure this out.

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"Can we stop for milkshakes at Sonic?" I ask.

"Milkshakes are for winners," Charlie deadpans, driving further and further away from the school.

I roll my eyes, pursing my lips. "What about ice cream at Dairy Queen?"

"Ice cream is for winners."

"Fine, then can we get pizza at Frank's?"

"Pizza is definitely for losers." He pauses. "Let's get two boxes. I'll pay as long as someone else covers the tip."

Luke, Shay, Aaron, and I squish together in the back seat of the truck. We don't fit so well, so I'm basically sitting on top of Aaron. I lay my head back on his shoulder as Charlie speeds through the streets, hitting every single pot hole. I stare at the ceiling as I'm jolted around.

Finally, we make it to the pizza place. I hop out of the truck a bit carsick and follow the boys into the restaurant. Everyone sits down at an elongated booth, peeling off our jackets as the sweet smell of pizza floats into our noses.

"What can I get you all tonight?" a teenage boy asks, flipping his notepad open. Everyone orders either Mr. Pepper or Mountain Dew. Charlie asks for the two pizza. 

When the waiter leaves, everyone's silent. Shay and I make eye contact across the table, and she comfortingly rubs Luke's arm.

"Alright, so we all agree they cheated, right?" I ask.

"Of course, yes," Al spits out.

"Okay, so you all know you're better than them. It doesn't matter if you lost, you guys exposed a lot of people to your music. Isn't that good enough?"

Luke stops playing with the salt shakers as Aaron nods. "Callie, you're right."

"About what?" I nudge him playfully, trying to get him to speak his mind. Normally, he doesn't have a hard time doing that, but I just want my point to be proven.

"About the stupid competition. We had a blast performing, and we can build upon this experience. Who knows, maybe we'll get more opportunity at that pub you were in contact with, Charlie. What is it called again?"

"Great Eagle Tavern?"

He smiles. "Yeah, that one."

Al sighs obnoxiously. "Fine, I guess you're right."

"Their band still sucks though," Luke adds as the pizza comes out of the kitchen.

"You could say that again," Charlie replies, slapping him on the chest.

The waiter looks at Luke funnily as he passes around the plates. Everyone digs in as soon as he leaves.

"This tastes like heaven," Al moans, shoving half of a slice into his mouth. I giggle, taking an average-sized bite.

"Pizza can solve all the problems of the world," I reply. The boys seem happier thanks to my genius plan.

Half an hour later, I'm hoping out of Charlie's car, pressing a goodbye kiss to Aaron's lips. "Keep smiling, sunshine, the world isn't over just yet."

He cracks a half smile, eyes shimmering. "You're right. Thanks, baby."

"You're welcome. Go home and get some sleep, please." Sleep can cure a lot of problems as well.

"I will. I love you, Callie."

"I love you, too, Aaron. Bye."

"Don't I get a goodbye kiss?" Charlie asks jokingly.

"No, I paid the tip. That's my good deed of the day for you."

"Alright, see you Monday."

"Bye, Cal."

"Bye, Charlie."

I walk up the porch steps and into my home, the taste of cheese and tomato sauce still on my tongue. I'm sad that 4 Days to Jupiter didn't win the Battle of the Bands, but I have a feeling that this will only fuel them to work harder in the future.

"How did it go, Callie?" my dad asks me as I step into the house.

"They lost."

"Oh, that's a bummer."

I nod. "Okay, well, I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Goodnight, Callie. Sleep tight."

I sluggishly march upstairs, peeling off my clothes and flopping under the covers of my bed. My eyes droop close and sleep pulls me out of reality and into dreamland.

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[A/N] Sorry for the tiniest update ever. I had a really rough week at school and had no free time at all due to massive amounts of homework. Junior year is hard :/

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