40: Christmas Eve

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[A/N] Late update, I know, but I didn't want to write a crappy one last minute. Taylor Swift's Blank Space is the song of the chapter.

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"So what're we supposed to wear to this thing?" I ask Shay over the phone. I page through my closet, trying to find something nice to wear.

"A dress is a good choice," she lightly comments.

I scowl at the exact dress I know she's hinting at. It's black, strapless, and way too short. "You know what? I'll just wear what I want. I'll see you at Al's house," I reply, hanging up on her before she can utter anything further.

"Why didn't you just ask me for help?" Aaron asks from behind me. I feel his body press up against my back as he gives me a hug.

"Because you are no help. Now go away," I say, helping him along by shoving him in the chest. He gets the message, and I hear the springs on my bed groan under his weight. I pick out a maroon sweater and crouch down to dig for a pair of black boots. I find them in the back of my tiny closet, buried under more clothes.

"I hope your eyes are closed," I say over my shoulder as I take off my shirt and replace it with the other one.

"I'm glad they weren't," he laughs.

I roll my eyes to hide my... delight, for lack of a better word. His comment seemed to have sent a shot of warmth to my heart. "Let's go," I urge him as I hop out of my room while tying my boots.

After saying adios to my father, we hit the streets and get into the Audi. In no time, after breaking speed limits and racing past developments and forests, we reach Al's house. Just like the last time, cars of all sorts and varieties litter the streets, and loud music can he heard throughout the neighborhood. We end up parking two blocks away from his house.

"Geez, it's cold out," I say, stepping out of the car. Snow is falling heavily on the road, and it's sticking. "Hurry up, Aaron, I don't want to get wet."

Aaron locks the car, its horn blowing and scaring the shit out of me. Aaron's laugh echos throughout the empty streets, and I chuck a wet snowball at his face. It hits him on the side of the cheek, and his laughs instantly seize. "You did not just do that," he says.

"Maybe I did," I giggle, backing away from him when I watch him roll a snowball. Quickly, I grab a handful of heavy snow and throw it at him again before running down the street. Al's house is the safest place to be right now.

"Come back here!" he yells. "Face my wrath, scared-y cat!" he yells, laughing as he chases me. At that exact moment, a snowball hits me square in the face, and I run blindly onto an icy sidewalk, slipping and falling on my butt.

"Oh, my God, ow," I complain, wincing.

By this time, Aaron is already by my side, helping me up while laughing like a hyena. "Shut up," I command, struggling to say the words without feeling the pain in my bum.

"But. That. Was. So. Funny," Aaron admits between giggles.

I roll my eyes. "Let's just go."

I take a step, and then another, wincing each time my leg moves. Aaron finally stopped laughing, and I feel him plant a wet kiss on my cheek as an arm slinks around my waist. "Shake it off, babe, you're fine," he says. "Want me to rub where it hurts for you?"

"Oh, my gosh, no," I shoot back.

We slowly make our way to Al's house. The pain is bearable by the time we reach his front porch step. Aaron rings the doorbell and after a minute of waiting on the porch step, we just walk into the house.

The place is packed, with students joking around and playing party games in the living room. Everything looks the same as I last remember it: white walls, tan accents, and red cups littered every nook and cranny.

"Aaron, Callie!" a familiar voice calls. Al wraps his arms around our necks and kisses us both on the head. "Welcome to my kingdom, peasants."

"Oh, God, Al, get off," Aaron says, pushing him off of him and pulling me out of the bear hug, too.

"He's been doing that to everyone," Charlie adds, appearing from literally out of nowhere. "Oh, hey, Cal."

"Hi, Charlie," I reply with a small smile. Our greeting somehow makes this place a bit more like home, or at least more familiar.

"Callie!" Shay squeals, hugging me from behind. I choke as she wraps her arms tightly around my neck.

"Shay, nice to see you, but I can't breathe," I wheeze.

"Oh, sorry," she giggles, releasing me. The sweet sensation of oxygen rushes down my lungs.

"Lukey, my love, sing for me," my friend suddenly says, wrapping her octopus arms around her boyfriend's waist.

"Shay, you're drunk," he gently says, which I guess means no.

I have never seen someone produce a tear as fast as Shay just did. The water drop rolls down her face and stains her shirt, another one following soon after. Luke's face softens as he wipes them away, looking at Aaron for support and glancing at Charlie. "Can he play the guitar drunk?" he asks, pointing at Al.

"Yeah, he'll be fine," Aaron replies automatically. "Charlie, help me bring the equipment upstairs, and we'll get the show going."

For 15 minutes or so, the boys recruit a couple of other guys and lug everything from microphones to drum sets up from the basement. I carry Al's guitar for him because he couldn't make it down the stairs without stripping on them. Once everything is properly set-up, Luke steps up to the plate. 

"Hey, everyone. We're 4 Days to Jupiter, and you're going to hear some of our original compositions, whether you like it or not."

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[A/N] Wrote this update in 1st and 2nd period lol the things I do for you guys.

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