Bonus Chapter #2

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[A/N] Idea is from @mjepenguin 

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Aaron and I miraculously make it to being the lovely age of 21. After years of touring and making music, 4 Days to Jupiter is loved by girls and boys alike all around the world, just like I predicted.

"Hey, you," I say when Aaron swivels my chair to face him. I bite on the end of a pen, itching to  type the last sentence of the book I'm writing.

"Your glasses look nice," he says, kissing my cheek.

I hum. "Thank you. At least I'm going blind in style, right?"

He laughs as I log out of my email and shut down the computer in the home office. We share an apartment in Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia, and I was furious when he bought it for the both us as a graduation gift to me. He still won't except my attempts to  at least pay the electric bill.

"Want to go on a walk? Maybe spend more time with me than that computer screen?"

He begins to tying on his shoes before I give an answer. "Alright," I agree, "let me just put on my coat."

When we walk outside, snow just starts to fall from the night sky. It's a little past midnight, and the city is still seeping with life. Cars coast along streets as people roam around the sidewalks, talking and laughing. I pull Aaron closer to me, intertwining our hands.

We chat about the other boys and what they're up to. Al's planning to take us all on vacation to Hawaii, apparently. "Baby, are you cold?" I ask after a while. I didn't realize it, but we made it to the Liberty Bell. No one's here except for us, and I love the fact that we have so much privacy in such a public place. We stop in front of the cracked bell, admiring it. "Pretty, isn't it?"

Aaron nods, turning away from the vital piece of American history to hold both my hands in his. "What's up?" I ask, confused. He's looking at me with a powerful, serious gaze I've never seen him wear before.

"Callie," Aaron confesses. "I've never met such an incredible woman as yourself. You've made me incredibly happy ever since you stumbled into homeroom, and my life, five years ago. Spending every single day with you has been a blast and--" He pulls out a velvet box from his coat pocket and gets down on his knee. I gasp into my hands. "--I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

At this point, I'm a crying, happy mess. Aaron's lips curve into that iconic smile that makes me weak in the knees. Dimples dig into his cheeks, and a hopeful glint coats his eyes. "So, Miss Callie Russe, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" I laugh, wiping away my tears as he stands up, slipping the shiny diamond ring on my finger. We kiss as snowflakes fall around us.

"Wow, that was the most nerve-wracking experience of my entire life," Aaron laughs, pulling me close to him as we cross traffic.

"Why? Did you think I was going to say no?"

"I prayed to God you wouldn't, Callie, multiple times."

"Well," I admit, admiring the giant rock on my finger, "your speech was very nice."

"Thank you, I rehearsed it about 34 times just to make sure I'd get it right."

I giggle, looking at my new piece of jewelry.

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"Hey, Shay," I say into my cellphone, eyeing ring on my finger.

"Hey, Callie, what's up?" she chirps.

"How do you feel about being a maid of honor?" I laugh, a tear threatening to spill over the brim of my eye.

"OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!" she screams of pure joy as I laugh, "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!"

"I am," I nod, still not believing it myself.

"And I'm the maid of honor?" she questions.

"Yes," I breathe, "Of course."

"Where will the wedding be?! And, gosh, Callie, your dress needs to be picked out and--"

"Shay, calm down," I laugh. "I don't know yet, I don't know."

"What's the ring look like?" I can practically hear her smiling through the phone."

"Large, shiny, beautiful. I'll send you a picture."

"Oh, no, I'm coming over right now." I hear a door slam in the reviewer. "OH MY GOD, LUKE, AARON PROPOSED!"

The line goes dead, and after pacing around the apartment, the doorbell rings ten minutes later. The millisecond I open the door, Shay jumps into my arms, hugging me to death.

"You're--suffo--cating--me," I gasp, giggling as she finally lets go of me.

"Yeah, Shay, don't kill the bride," Luke tells me, pulling her off me. He genuinely smiles at me. "Congrats, Callie."

I nod, clearing my throat. "Thank you." After all these years, it still feels weird for him to be nice to me.

"Is there a party in our apartment that I wasn't invited to, Callie?" Aaron jokes, arms filled with groceries. I alleviate some of the weight from him and carry the bags to the kitchen.

"Hey, congrats, dude," Luke says, hugging his bandmate. "I never thought you'd have the balls to do it."

"Gee, thanks." He rolls his eyes, but I know he's only kidding around.

"So," Shay excitedly draws out, "let's see it!"

I also roll my eyes, letting her grab my hand to examine the expensive ring. I feel a pair of hands rest on my hips like to puzzle pieces connecting perfectly. I grin, leaning back against Aaron.

"It's beautiful," she lets out, eyes wide with awe. She pulls away first, and I rest my hand on the counter. "So, what does your dad have to say about this?"

"Shit," I swear, looking over my shoulder at Aaron. "I didn't even tell him yet."

He waves me off. "Oh, he already knows."

I raise an eyebrow. "And he said...?"

"Well, he started off by calling me by the wrong name about five times before ultimately approving. He was really cool about it." He lightly squeezes my hips before heading to the kitchen to put the groceries away.

I shrug. "Alright, well, I guess I'll get started on dinner. You guys hungry?"

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[A/N] I'm fangirling over my own writing, and idk if that's okay? Anyways, hope you enjoyed this update!

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