Chapter 1

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Malaysia begins panicking as she sees blood on her hands while police sirens are in the background.

"Oh shit. Oh shit", she said as looks at the guy's body. "No, no"

"Come out with your hands up", said an officer on the intercom.

Malaysia took her pants off and pulled her shirt apart as hard as she could until it ripped open. She messed her hair up and took her shoes off.

"Last warning", said the officer on the intercom.

Malaysia went outside with her hands up. She was shaking uncontrollably. She was also limping because she was shot in the leg. It was nothing but lights shining in her eyes as officers came rushing to her.

Malaysia went to the ground on her knees because she could stand any longer. The officers helped her up and one brought a blanket to cover her up as continued to cry even harder. The began taking her to the car.

Other officers ran inside the house with their guns and shields.

Malaysia POV.

I know you're probably wondering what in the hell is going on. Well, I'm about to show you how it all started.

Malaysia POV Over.

5 MONTHS AGO...How It All Started.

Malaysia walks up to one of her tables.


"Hey, I'm Malaysia

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"Hey, I'm Malaysia. Can I get you all started with something to drink or maybe an appetizer?", asked Malaysia

Malaysia lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the good parts, and she currently works at Hooters. She's 22 years and is currently taking some online classes to get her bachelor's degree.

"I'll take a sweet tea", said the guy as he glanced at Malaysia's chest.

"I'll take a lemonade", said the girl that he was at the table with. "we're still looking at the menu"

"Okay", said Malaysia. "I'll be back with your drinks"

As Malaysia walked away, she could hear the girl fussing at the guy from distance. The girl wasn't loud, Malaysia heard a piece of what she was saying.

"Really? You don't think I saw that shit?", she asked.

"What?", he asked.

"You were looking at her titties and shit and then when she walked away you were looking at her ass", she said.

"Bae let's be real. I'm a guy. you should be worried if I wasn't looking", he said.

"I do--"

Malaysia could no longer hear the conversation as she walked to the area to get their drinks.

The Unthinkable : BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now