Chapter 23

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The following morning, Malaysia was laying in bed looking at and feeling her stomach.

"Good morning Nick...Nah I don't know if I like about King? Short for Kingston?"

Suddenly she felt a kick.

"Do you like that name?", said Malaysia. "Okay, Kingston it is...well I'd have to talk to your father first, of course."

Malaysia sighs.

"I just wish your dad wasn't in the predicament he's in...I just wanna be a big happy family. If he can't try to make that happen I guess it's for the best huh?", said Malaysia. "Guess it wasn't meant to be."

Malaysia laid there for a moment then she got up from the bed to go to the bathroom.

After using the bathroom, she walked back to her bed. Her phone began ringing and it was Khalil.

She answered the phone.

"Hello?", said Malaysia.

"Soo how did everything go? You still at Steven's house?", asked Khalil.

"No. I was going there for a few hours and then I went home. Why would I stay the night?", asked Malaysia.

"Maybe because that boy is not going to stay mad at you", said Khalil.

"I mean he's still mad but he's calm about it now...we aren't together though. I don't wanna be with him", said Malaysia.

"I really like y'all together though. Like y'all are cute", said Khalil.

"Yea but I'm not trying to get shot again. I don't know if you'd ever been in a drive-by but that kinda scared me. It took me forever to get my sleep on track.", said Malaysia.

"Damn. I'm sorry you had to go through that Lay", said Khalil.

"Yea...but I'm alright now...I guess.", said Malaysia.

" you wanna go out today. I don't know what we can do with your pregnant ass but we'll find something", said Khalil.

Malaysia chuckles.

"Meet me at my house at 1?", he asked

"Yea", said Malaysia.

"Alright", said Khalil. "Bye"

"Bye", said Malaysia.

Malaysia hangs the phone up and starts getting ready for the day.

That afternoon, Malaysia walked to her car. As she opened the door she noticed a guy outside talking to a girl. As she looked a little closer, she noticed that it was Kelz.

"That boy sure does get around", Malaysia said to herself.

Malaysia got into her car and drove off.

"Let me just get to number", said Kelz.

"Nigga get back in the car", said Steven. Steven is sitting in the driver's seat of Kelz's car but Malaysia didn't know that.

"Hurry up I gotta go do something", said Kelz.

The girl walked away.

"Fuck you too then", said Kelz before getting into the car.

"You fucking up", said Steven.

"Me? You the one following some bitch around", said Kelz.

"Watch yo mouth", said Steven as he started driving.

"Damn. Excuse me. I ain't know she had you pussy whipped like that", said Kelz.

Steven rolled his eyes.

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