Chapter 52

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When Malaysia got home, she paid and dismissed the babysitter.

King is crawling around on his blanket while Malaysia is on her phone.

Steven walked into the house and looked at her as he shut the door.

Malaysia didn't look at him. "Hey", said Malaysia.

"What's up", said Steven.

Steven sat on the floor and picked up Steven.

"What's up little man", said Steven.

Malaysia glanced at them then looked at her phone again.

Steven started looking at Malaysia again.

"You alright?", he asked.

"Yea", she replied.

Steven nods.

"No", she said.

Steven looked at her with confusion.

"I need to tell you something but you can't do anything crazy", said Malaysia. "Please"

"You know me...can't make any promises", he said. "What is it?"

"You have to promise", said Malaysia.

"You need to tell me", said Steven.

"...I um...Mark he umm kissed me", said Malaysia.

"Mm", said Steven.

"I didn't kiss him back..but I didn't pull away quick enough. I was caught off guard. I'm sorry", said Malaysia.

Steven say anything, he just kissed King's forehead.

"Steven?", she said.

Steven put King back down and stood up.

Malaysia watched him.

Steven grabbed her shirt and stood her up.

Malaysia gasped a little because he caught her off guard.

"I know I've calmed down a lot but don't get shit twisted. I'm still crazy as hell", said Steven. "Now explain that shit a little better. I wanna hear every little detail"

"Let me go first", said Malaysia.

Steven let her go as he pushed her back on the couch.

Malaysia looked at him as she sat up straight.

"Talk!", he demanded.

"We- we were in the car about to get out to get something to eat and he started talking about how my mood has been lately. He was saying how I don't deserve to- to—"

"To what?", asked Steven.

"To not be happy and he was calling me beautiful and- and next thing I know he...kissed me", said Malaysia.

"You leaving some shit out", said Steven.

"I can't remember word from word", said Malaysia.

"And you let him kiss you?", said Steven. "He shouldn't have been that close to you. You had to watch him lean toward you and then why in the hell are you going out eat with him?"

"We had just got done with the job and we were hungry. We always get lunch or sometimes dinner depending on the day", said Malaysia. "What's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong with that?", asked Steven.

"It wasn't a date. We were just getting lunch", said Malaysia.

"You know what. You're right. I'm tripping", said Steven. "I'm trippin' and I'm sorry"

Malaysia didn't say anything.

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