Chapter 17

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Malaysia takes her first bit of her food and closes her eyes.

"Oh my gosh. This is good", said Malaysia. " Tan deliciosa"

"Don't start that Spanish stuff", said Terrell.

"All I said was so delicious", said Malaysia.

"Other than your guy problems, how is school?", asked Terrell.

"Good.", said Malaysia. "I getting my ideas ready for my line"

"What is it going to be called?", asked Terrell. "I'll be your first buyer."

"I'm going to name it Lux", said Malaysia. "Short for luxury because it's going to luxury on a budget. The clothes are going to have all the baddies feeling rich at an affordable cost and same for the men."

"Cool. I like that", said Terrell. "Now we gotta come up with the money for the to fabrics and other stuff"

"We?", she asked.

"Well you. You know what I mean", said Terrell.

"Yea I know what you meant. I may still have the money part. I don't know", said Malaysia as she took a bit of her food.

"...damn you still ain't afraid to get down when it comes to your food", said Terrell.

Malaysia sticks her middle finger up as she chews her food.

Terrell begins chuckling.

"You get on my nerves", said Malaysia.

"I guess some things never change", said Terrell.

Malaysia smiles.

"Don't take this the wrong way, because you've always been pretty...but you really glowed up", said Terrell.

"Damn, I still don't know if I should take that as a compliment", said Malaysia as she sat back and looked at him.

Terrell licked his lips. "It's a compliment", he said.

Malaysia leans forward a little bit and tucks her hair behind her ears.

"Do you have any girls that you're talking to? Girlfriend, fiancé?", asked Malaysia.

"I'm talking to someone right now", said Terrell.

"Do you think that she would want you at a restaurant with you ex and licking your lips at her and talking about how pretty she is?", asked Malaysia.

"No of course not. I mean I don't think so. She usually don't play that shit", said Terrell. "It's been a while since we spoke so things may have changed."

Malaysia got a confused look on her face as she smiled slightly.

"What?", asked Malaysia.

"I know this is really like damn we just caught back up and I'm really asking you this already wanna go on a date with me? Maybe try us out again", asked Terrell. "Oh and by the way, the girl I was talking about was you. Just so we're clear. And this has nothing to do with your mom."

"I'll think about it", said Malaysia.

"Alright", said Terrell. "That's fine."

Malaysia started eating again and so does Terrell.

Malaysia's phone begins vibrating so she looks at it. It was Steven. She sent him to voicemail and texted him instead saying:


💬MALAYSIA: I can't
talk right now.

Malaysia put her phone back faced down on the table.

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