Chapter 25

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All night Malaysia was thinking about taking Steven back. She had these strong feelings for him that she couldn't shake and maybe she thought that it was for a reason.

The following morning, someone knocked on Malaysia's door.

She looked out of the peak hole and it was Steven. She could see him holding a bunch of roses.

She let out a sigh them opened the door.

"Good morning beautiful. I'm sorry about yesterday. I would've come last night but I had somethings to do", said Steven.

Malaysia looked at the roses. There were at least 50 on of them, maybe 100.

"This is for you", said Steven.

"So you think roses are going to make me less upset with you?", asked Malaysia.

"Well...yeah.", said Steven.

Malaysia shook her head and smiled a little.

"... Steven... I just wanna know why you were following me", said Malaysia.

"Because I wanted to see if you were talking to somebody else...I ain't see you in months.", said Steven.

"Who wants someone who's pregnant? Nobody", said Malaysia.

"I do. I want you", said Steven. "I'll get a house for you out of the city. You and the baby can live there if that makes you feel safer with me."

"Why do we have to go through all of that when you can just end what you're doing?", asked Malaysia.

"I know you never grew up in the hood but this isn't something I can just walk away from. This is for life. I can't just stop this shit.", said Steven.

Malaysia sighs.

"I'm trying to work with you and you ain't even trying to listen", said Steven. "You know what, can I come in so I can put this down?"

"Yea", said Malaysia as she move out of the way.

Steven walked into the house and put the roses on the table.

"Malaysia I just wanna be with you alright? You want the same right? So let's make that happen. Stop letting shit get in our way", said Steven.

Malaysia looks to the side.

"When I want this case, somebody...I don't stop until I get it and if you love me like you said you'd feel the same way. As much as I wanna just say fuck this street shit and start a family with you, I would. But I can't.", said Steven. "I mean look at it like this, believe it or not when I was with you I thought about my actions. Well after the guys at hooters incident, I thought about my make me think a little more clearly, that's how much I wanted to keep you happy. I'm going to be in your life whether we're together or not because of the baby so we might as well try to make this work."

Malaysia looked up at him.

Steven moved her hair out of her face.

"You are the sun that keeps my days bright. The future that I wanna motivate me to be a better person and he's going to motivate me to be the best dad that I never have even if I don't know what the hell I'm doing.", said Steven to lighten the mood.

Malaysia laughed a little bit.

"I need you in my life", said Steven.

"...well...I- I guess you can have me", she said. "...I rather be happy with you than to be without you and be thinking about what could've been."

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