Chapter 9

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While Malaysia and Brandon were at the bar, they were talking.

"I really hope you don't just pull the girls like that, that you don't know", said Malaysia.

Brandon chuckles.

"Nah. I'm a little tipsy and I didn't mean to pull you that hard", said Brandon. "I didn't mean to pull you at all really. I don't know why I did that."

Malaysia nods as she looks back.

Brandon looks in the direction she was looking at.

"You tryna see if he's looking?", asked Brandon.

He was referring to Steven.

"Huh?", asked Malaysia as she looked at Brandon.

"Trig... you date him right?", asked Brandon.

"Who said I did?", asked Malaysia.

Brandon started to get his words twisted up.

"Well- you know— I just heard y'all were dating", said Brandon.

Malaysia nods.

"Unless people are lying", said Brandon.

"Brandon why are talking to me really?", asked Malaysia.

"What do you mean?", asked Brandon.

"You want something? You're always up to stuff", said Malaysia.

"You dating him or not?", asked Brandon.

"No. I'm not", said Malaysia.

"Well what he do? Cheat? Disrespect you?", asked Brandon.

"Does that matter?", asked Malaysia. "You asking me if I got bad blood with, then no"

"Alright", said Brandon. "I'll just call you some other time, beautiful. I gotta go"

Brandon walked away.

Malaysia walked to Steven's VIP section and the security stopped her.

"I need to talk to Trig", she said.

"So does every other girl in this club", the security said.

"Tell him to come here. It's important", said Malaysia.

"Yea Yea", said the security guard.

Steven suddenly walks over.

"Man what I say? The fine ones are welcomed", said Steven. "But I'll talk to her outside."

The security opened the rope and Steven walked up to Malaysia.

"Hey", he said.

"Hey", Malaysia replied.

Steven started walking away and Malaysia followed him until they went outside.

"So..what's up?", asked Steven.

"You don't seem mad at me", said Malaysia.

"You wanted what you wanted. Ain't nothing I can do about that", said Steven.

" I was talking to his guy and something didn't really seem right about him. I just wanted you to make sure you watch your back.", said Malaysia.

"...thanks for caring", said Steven.

"You're welcome", said Malaysia.

"You look good tonight. The bracelet and the rings look good on you", said Steven.

Malaysia looked to the side then she looked down.

"You okay?", he asked.

"Yea I'm fine. It's just that I miss your company sometimes", said Malaysia.

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